An alien world sometimes needs a farmer’s touch to bring it to life. In this sci-fi, colonization-life sim, terraform a barren world: turn wastelands into verdant landscapes while exploring, farming, building, and unlocking all the mysteries of this strange new planet.
Release Date 2023-06-26

Check out Final Stardust: Cosmic Nexus!

About the Game

You're the first pioneer to hit the surface of a barren, alien world - a desolate expanse as far as the eye can see. Your job is simple: Take your Space-RV, power up your multipurpose tech gauntlet, and use whatever seeds found in the cargo to start a new life on this world. Over time, you'll make the planet life-sustaining for yourself and dozens of future colonists. But until then, it's going to be one lonely outpost...

  • Plan your colonist’s farming adventures. Will you explore? Plant? Craft? FIsh? Build a close-knit community? Or all of them at once?
  • Fill out the Omninac by experiencing life on the new planet. Categorize crops, minerals, seasons, animals, and more!
  • Terraform the desert with a trusty robotic pet. Fertilize the ground, secure water sources, and make the air breathable.
  • Farm, mine, explore, and carve out a habitat for humanity.

  • Build your colony from the ground up. Your loneliness will be over once you can attract some colonists - but that is just the beginning!
  • Discover a robust menu of meals to cook - you can't explore a new world on an empty stomach!
  • A plethora of fish and bugs also inhabit the planet - go uncover them to fill out your collection!

  • Usher in a new dawn for humanit

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