Ghostwire: Tokyo is a 2022 action-adventure game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game released worldwide on March 25, 2022 as a one-year timed exclusive for PlayStation 5 and Windows. Ghostwire: Tokyo is an action-adventure game played from a first-person perspective. The player can use various psychic and paranormal abilities to defeat the ghosts and spirits haunting Tokyo. Combat director Shinichiro Hara described the combat as "karate meets magic", as the player character utilizes hand movements inspired by Kuji-kiri hand gestures to cast spells. When an enemy loses most of their health, its core is exposed and the player can use takedown moves to destroy it. By defeating these spirits and collecting Yokai, the character will collect spirit points and resources used to upgrade their abilities.
Release Date 2022-03-25
Rating / Parents' Guide
Language, Violence
This is an action-adventure game in which players assume the role of a man facing off against a supernatural threat in Tokyo. From a first-person perspective, players explore the spirit world, collect mystical items, and battle various ghosts and demons in frenetic combat. Players use spells, talismans, and blasts of energy to defeat the spirits. A handful of ghosts wield machetes or giant scissors while menacing player's character. Combat is highlighted by cries of pain and explosive light effects. One cutscene depicts the aftermath of a road accident, with several corpses lying on the ground. The words “sh*t,” “a*shole,” and “pr*ck” appear in the game.
   PlayStation 5 | PC

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