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Lead the rebellion in an epic rogue-like adventure. Guide your jet-pack equipped post-apocalyptic volunteers through a labyrinthine underground complex by jumping, dodging, and battling against robot minions (and masters) to get to the surface — and bring life back to the scorched Earth.
Release Date 2019-10-11
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Just Updated
Current Game status:
- The "2.0" UPRISING update is live! check it out!
- Make sure to read the news or watch the new trailer to see what new content is available
- Game price might go up to 14.99$ by the end of the year
We would love to have your feedback, as we keep developing the game with your help!
Thanks to you, we got almost 90% positive reviews on Steam. We are really proud of that.
This update is a major change to our game that adds hours of gameplay, including new ennemies, new skills, new levels... Even more challenges to face if you want to save mankind!
Once again, thank you all for making this adventure real. We are putting all our strength on Fallback.
May the depths be with you,
Endroad Team.
About the Game
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Community Wiki:
In Fallback, players take control of the remnants of humanity, exiled to a subterranean city after an ecological disaster. Volunteers search for captured rebel leaders ready to join the fight against their former caretakers-turned-jailers.
The road to the surface from your underground purgatory is filled with secrets and obstacles: use your skills to find your way through thousands of randomly created 2.5D rooms.GET BETTER, RUN AFTER RUN
Earn experience fight after fight and improve your gear and skills to create one perfect fighter. Over 50 skills are unlockable for you to come back stronger and stronger after each death!FACE TERRIFYING ENEMIES
The Vesta robot army is filled with dangerous enemies: they are everywhere, they are numerous, and they will get tougher as you progress in your quest. Homing missiles, heavily armed colossus, automatic gun turrets, tenacious bosses… all are waiting for you in the depths of the Eden, to prevent you from reaching the surface.DON’T LOSE YOURSELF IN THE ABANDONED SECTOR
This bran176d | @dan | Game auto imported to Channel 3 library from Steam API |