Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2, originally published as Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! Neo (ドラゴンボールZ Sparking! NEO, Doragon Bōru Zetto Supākingu! Neo) in Japan, is the second installment in the series and first to be released on a Nintendo platform. It was released for PlayStation 2 in Japan on October 5, 2006; Europe on November 3, 2006; North America on November 7, 2006; and Australia on November 9, 2006. The Wii version was released in North America on November 19, 2006; in Japan on January 1, 2007; in Europe on March 30, 2007; and Australia on April 5, 2007. Though originally confirmed as being a launch title in North America for the Wii, some stores started selling the Wii version on November 15, 2006. An issue of V Jump listed January 2007 as the release date for the Japanese version of the Wii release. The game originally featured 100 characters in 136 forms and 16 stages, though the Japanese and PAL Wii versions came with five additional characters (Demon King Piccolo, Cyborg Tao, Appule, Frieza Soldier, and Pilaf Robot/combined form).
Release Date 2006-11-07
Japanese Release Date 2006-10-05
Rating / Parents' Guide
Cartoon Violence
Not Available for This Title
   Wii | PlayStation 2

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