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Amazon Luna
Amazon Luna is a cloud gaming platform developed and operated by Amazon. Luna was announced on September 24, 2020, with early access available to subscribers by invitation beginning on October 20, 2020. In its early access state, Amazon Luna will feature about 100 different games combined, with an introductory price of $5.99 a month, and will be powered by AWS. Luna will have integration with Twitch and will be available on Windows, Mac, Amazon Fire TV, and iOS (as a progressive web app) on launch, as well as Android shortly after.
Amazon Luna
I had this for a brief amount of time, and it was very underwhelming. Cloud based gaming in theory would be nice, but in practicality (at least at this time) just isn’t there yet. With the increase in technology, I could see a comeback in the next 5-10 years.
Amazon Luna
I think it's a great idea but the limitations for games and overall better options had an impact on the growth of luna
Amazon Luna
I have this (of course) and it's FINE. It works almost as good as Stadia. The official controller is VERY nice, even though it takes actual batteries and isn't a rechargeable one. I do like how they have different "channels" like Retro Games, etc. But you have to pay for each one so it'll add up if you get them all. They also give free games each month via Amazon Prime (but they get switched out. Stadia's games never got switched out. They all just sat there perfectly fine never being played). If you got a good internet connection and want to play games on the cloud for free AND have Amazon Prime, definitely give it a shot. You'll be surprised how good some games play while being streamed.
Amazon Luna
Played this last night after finally deciding to give it a try.
Initial thoughts are here.

I played on my 2nd Gen 4K Firestick with my 8bitdo SN30Pro controller.
At first I was connected to my slower wifi (2.4ghz) and it was very laggy. I upped it to the 5ghz and it was smoother than a babys bottom. I was also streaming directly from Luna on my firestick to twitch. That was COOL.
4 stars right now as the game selection for Prime Members is limited and revolving and I'm not looking to pay for another subscription but UBISOFT does have a decent selection at $14.99/mo and Retro Gaming looked tempting at $4.99/mo.






