Adventures of Dino Riki is an overhead shooter created by Hudson Soft, similar to games like 1943: The Battle of Midway, where the object is to dodge on-screen enemies. Dino Riki can jump or shoot weapons (rocks, axes, boomerangs, and torches) to kill the various enemies around him. Dino Riki can pick up power-ups including speed boosts and wings that enable him to fly over hazards on the ground, as well as weapon upgrades. He starts his adventure throwing rocks that have a very limited range and power, and can upgrade to axes and then boomerangs, each increasing the range and spread of his shot, finally gaining a rapid-fire volley of torches that spreads across the screen. There is a last weapon/powerup called "Macho Ricky" where Ricky converts itself into a huge caveman that shoots some sort of copies of his body. He utilizes these caveman weapons and power-ups to help kill enemies and avoid the dangers of a Neanderthal life.
Release Date 1989-08-01
Japanese Release Date 1987-02-10
   Nintendo (NES) | Atari 5200

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