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Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)
Exactly how you do a perfect sequel. Keep what made the original great, and add to it rather than change it.

The addition of the playable heroes was awesome, but they were not forced and you could still play without them for a similar challenge level.

They crushed it again with the amount of content. So many great maps, on many planets, and a huge list of the iconic heroes with some additional ones that were fun to play.

Also added one additional special class for each faction which were all very fun to play, and space battles!

Not playable online unfortunately, but local co op or solo galactic conquest mode is where BF2 shines the brightest. Conquering the planets and building your army/fleet while using the bonuses was such a fun mode, and perhaps every battlefront fan's favorite mode.

The 501st campaign was also very well done with cutscenes and narration and unique battles/encounters.

The addition of the sprint ability was welcome as well to get around the maps quicker.

I can't really thing of anything negative to say about this one. An all time great.
Star Wars: Battlefront (2004)
The game that started it all! One of the best selling games/franchises of all Star Wars games (I believe).

Getting to experience your childhood dream of joining the fight was amazing for the first time. The amount of content for the game at the time was staggering. All four factions, with unique classes, and some of the best maps ever created in a video game. Truly immersive and made you feel like you were in the movies themselves.

One of the great local co op games of the generation, especially of those not on Nintendo. Online wasn't as robust at that point, but still functional.

There is also something to the formula of everyone having a level playing field as a gruntm and no one being OP either by leveling up or using a hero (although I do love the inclusion of them in BF2).

Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection
Sadly, this was a huge dissapointment. The main reason most people bought this was to play 64 player online console battles with a revived community that still has a decent player base. However, Aspyr f'ed up the launch and clearly did no or little testing to ensure things would run smoothly. Way too many bugs, crashes, and lag/hit detection issues to no fault of the end user.

I did have some matches that ran OK, and the single player was fun to revisit on console with a bit of the added content I didn't have before on PC. I also ran a few smaller lobbies with friends which worked well (outside of the matchmaking hassle). Hopefully they will continue to patch it and quickly iron things out so they don't lose a great player base that is starved for content (even with the newer battlefront games).
Loved the simplicity, exploration, and challenges of this game. It kept me wanting to explore new areas and find new challenges, materials, and unique items and weapons. The bosses were fun and rewarding as well. After "the end" of beating the final boss, there is also the replay-ability of the two different types of worlds, and various sizes and layouts. Not to mention, multiplayer as well!
Shining Force
The first turn based RPG I got into as a kid, which is saying something because I don't really like the genre all that much.

A lot of cool characters, with a wide variety of attacks and strategy. It was enjoyable to go looking for good ones to join your team and leveling them up. The animations were nice for the time and the game itself was a well balanced challenge. Not too easy or difficult.
Star Fox 64
Best star fox game. As fun or as challenging as you want it to be and great replayability. Local Multiplayer is surprisingly underrated/unknown part of the game
It might be hard to find now a days (not sure if on steam) but if you like a futuristic space combat simulator you have to give this a try!

Smooth, easy, fun, gameplay, and a great single player story! Had a great online community as well that might still be kicking a bit in the form of mods (I've played a Star wars one and one with battleships and enhanced combat).

I believe the guys behind this are now making star citizen which if you don't know has been in development for years with one of the largest budgets of all time
Donkey Kong 64
I'm a sucker for getting to play as multiple characters with multiple powers. The massive amount of collectibles is a downside for some 100%ers out there since it is tedious, but I look at it as more time to play a great game!
Hollow Knight
Overall theme, art design, music, characters, and story are incredible. Unique, immersive, and enthralling.

A somber, yet peaceful and calming aura mixed with epic exploration and towering bosses to overcome.

Perfect combat system: easy to learn, hard to master.

Challenging and interesting bosses and platforming areas that are very rewarding!

Dark souls meets metroidvania works very well.

Waiting for Silksong!
Scratches the itch for F Zero and makes me want to play F Zero X.

Maybe still hope that Nintendo will revive the franchise with a new game.