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Watch Dogs 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. 3
This is without a doubt the best Mario game ever made. Period.

Super Mario 3 had it all. Memorable, and potentially infuriating, moments that played out in perfectly appointed levels and a backdrop of some of the earwormiest, and now most iconic, music and sound effects of all time. Thirty years later, I still haven't found a game that hits the same level of satisfaction as finishing a difficult level (probably in an all out sprint) and jumping into the slot-machine-style reward spinner hoping for a 1UP.

All that said, I'm going to take it step further though. I think it could be argued that this is the best video game ever made.

While it can absolutely be argued that games have gotten better (better graphics, better and more interesting control mechanics, etc.), perhaps they're just more, not better. More RAM, more processors, more buttons, more directions to move... Few games, if any, have taken the "more" they have to work with and accomplished what this game did with a plumber, a princess, and 8-bits.
Watch Dogs 2
Let's be real. This wasn't exactly a mind blowing game. HOWEVER... The story was interesting, the characters were entertaining, and the puzzle-style challenges of hacking cameras, laptops, and security bots was a blast. Somewhere between present day technology and the dystopia of cyberpunk sits this game. You use your computer skills to chip away at big brother company with too much power, and not enough accountability, and have some pretty righteous laughs along the way.

It's certainly not a perfect game, and it's definitely not for everyone, but this is the only open-world game I've completed front-to-back TWICE. The world is immersive and does a really good job of striking the balance between exploring and story progression, despite it's occasional awkwardness.
ToeJam & Earl
This game made co-op fun again. Just you, and maybe a friend, collecting items in a surrealist landscape that might just be someone's daydream doodles brought to life. Strange and hilarious obstacles mixed with chip tune slap-bass funk to make a funny, laid back couch co-op experience.
I don't even know where to begin here. ... Alone? Nameless? An orange jumpsuit? A gun that makes portals? An AI that wants to test/torture you, while insulting you in hilarious ways? Yes, all of it. Setting aside the physics-based puzzle mechanics (which are AWESOME!!!) this game (and it's excellent sequel) includes some of the best writing and monologue (rhetorical dialog??) in gaming history. I assure you, your time spent figuring out how to properly hurl yourself through chains of well placed portals while GLADoS tears you down like a Mensa-level Lucille Bluth will be well spent.
Braid is different in a way that sticks with you. It's a side scroller indie with a classic fairy tale story and one amazingly unique twist. Time. Braid takes the jumping, climbing, key collecting platformer and mixes in new mechanics involving the manipulation of time, turning a 2D mario-like experience into a 3D puzzle solver. Time could be your best friend or your worst enemy.

Braid is super fun if you can get your hands on it!
Horizon Zero Dawn
If there were enough of a catalog to support it I would play games in the "hi-tech primitivism" category exclusively. This game absolutely nails breadth and depth in storytelling, and provides some extremely satisfying combat. This game is equal parts Jurassic Park and Skynet sprinkled generously over a story of revelation, discovery and future mythology. An absolute blast!
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
This is the only GTA I've completed the story for. The soundtrack, and the overall sweet, sweet 80s vibes made this a true nostalgia tickler -- ya know, and also the guns and cars and ridiculous missions. I know a lot of people put San Andreas in their top spot, and I get it, but this is the all-time best GTA in my book.