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Dr. Mario
Halo 3
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Nathan Russell Founding Cr3w
Lover of all things baseball. Devoted ChiSox and Broncos Fan. Co-host of the Misplaced Sox podcast where we talk like regular fans about our favorite team.
Marvel Snap
The game is an easy way to kill time. Matches are short. There's still elements to it, but the randomness of the locations means it's just a test of adaptation. I would recommend. My wife who hasn't seen me for a week while I climbed to infinite wouldn't though
Army of Two
The two player coop was awesome. The game played well enough. This was a blast to couch coop. They tried to ensure some customization, could have expanded on that I feel like
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
I feel like the TreyArch games are always a little too different for me to enjoy. I played this for a bit because I couldn't get into Ghosts after it came out, and my brother in law was playing it at the time too. I'm not going to put it in the same tier as COD4 and MW3 though I would put it in a similar tier to MW2 in my mind
Star Fox 64
I remember playing this. I beat it. I don't remember really enjoying it that much though. Solid enough game.
Destiny 2
I remember playing this day 1, and having your light taken away. It was an awesome experience. Coming out of D1, it definitely was different. I haven't played since Foresaken basically. Love Destiny, and doing the raids and things with buds. Just don't have the time to grind anymore.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I was never really wow'd by MW2. I played a bit of it, but never really got that into it. I think it was that less of my buddies were playing it. Did play a bit of the coop missions with my brother. Overall I don't remember much about it other than that I did in fact play it. I enjoyed COD4 and MW3 much more
Guitar Hero World Tour
Love the introduction of the whole band mechanic. The songs weren't bad. Got to play drums against my metal loving buddy online
World of Warcraft
I played a lot of hours of WoW. The biggest problem for me is time. I don't have it now. It's an MMO, and has a huge grind to it. I've still got friends playing it. From what I understand, the peak was WotLK and Mists, so the game has trended backward. I miss it sometimes, but I would miss my wife and kids more I think.
James Bond 007: Nightfire
This was the 007 game I played after Goldeneye. It wasn't bad, and was decent given that it was Gamecube. It just didn't quite capture the same feeling as GE. It tried to do some cool stuff, but overall I would say was a little underwhelming
This game has been interesting. Its not truly minecraft, but still very open and creative... from what I'm told its a 3D successor to Factorio
This game was simple but fun. I played a bunch of this on my parents Windows 98 PC. One of the first true arcade games I ever really played after Centipede.
Call of Duty: Ghosts
It was the successor to a great game in MW3. It wasn't bad, just... different. I don't know that it was really all that different either. It just underwhelmed. I played a bit of it. I enjoyed it, but maybe it felt lack luster because I was the only one of my friends to get it...
I'm probably down rating it because I'm not great at these games. It was a lot of fun to play right away. Haven't gone back to it in a long time though. Died a lot in spots where I had no idea there was anyone there to shoot me too.
Super Punch-Out!!
This game is fun. The only trouble I have with it, is that it doesn't seem to respond as quick to when I push the buttons some times. So it either doesn't punch as fast as I want, or doesn't dodge immediately when I dodge. But I've thrown a lot of punches in this game
NBA Street
I didn't play this a ton, but enjoyed it when I did. It was definitely a fun spin on a basketball video game. I enjoyed this way more than I would ever enjoy EA normal basketball or 2K games.
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Loved the song selection on this one. I still have some songs in my favorites playlists that are from this game. Opened my ears to bands like Muse, Weezer, and RATM.

The wireless guitar was a great idea, but seemed to have some lag every once in a while. Otherwise, it was a blast to rock out with your friends. Plus the introduction of a bass player was pretty cool too when you coop'd
League of Legends
If you play with people you know, and they are patient, the game can be a great time. But the community at large in this game is so incredibly toxic, it is unenjoyable unless it's a team of people you know. The skill ceiling is high! This is very much a team game. And when the team is not moving together, the game is near impossible
Titanfall 2
It's more Titanfall. I loved the first one, and TF2 added some cool weapons and elements. The maps were relatively mid, but it was a good game to just jump in and play a shooter with my buds.
Halo: Combat Evolved
This was a great game. It's the first game that my cousin and I ever sat down and completed. Also the first time I ever pulled an all nighter to play video games. This was so unique, and a bunch of fun. Also was a great multiplayer. I didn't have an original XBox, but my friends did so I played with them when possible.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
I get that everyone loves this game. I want to like it. The controls are weird to me. I'm not a huge fan of the magic system. I have tried to play this game about 4 times, and don't generally make it far. I don't have any sense of direction on what I should be working toward usually. Its probably a better game than I'm giving it credit for, but I just haven't found it incredibly enjoyable.
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Loved the couch coop, and that you could unlock different costumes and you could customize abilities. The story was newer to me as I wasn't dug into the Marvel Universe as much. This was my first intro to characters like Vision and Tony Stark himself. I knew of Iron Man, but the relationship between the two.

The controls were well done. The multiplayer was good. It was a solid game to grind and have goals to unlock.
Duck Hunt
Was my first true FPS. I was terrible at this, but it was fun to play, that's for sure.
Halo Wars 2
It was probably a necessary change. They did improve some things, but they over complicated some as well.

They introduced the power resource and system. Made sense to me. This put them a little more in line with some other RTS. They introduced a LOT of champions/heroes. I think maybe a little too many for their own good. Flying units felt over powered. The balancing and support for the game was minimal, and disappeared quickly. The servers are still maintained, but no balancing is really happening.

Blitz mode was fun when the beta came out, mostly because everyone was capped, and relatively level on the field. Then when the live game came out, the fears were real. The mode became incredibly pay (a lot... sometimes... sometimes not... its loot packs) to win. So if you didn't dedicate every moment to the mode, or didn't want to pay to get additional packs than the season rewards, you just couldn't compete. It didn't matter at that point whether your team was comp and tech better, you just couldn't win as your units were over powered.

Still a solid game, and the controls work very well on PC, so I liked it. Didn't play it nearly as much as the first, but still enjoyed it.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
I finally got to be mace windu. And destroy all kinds of droids. It was a little rocky graphics wise, but was still a bunch of fun
Final Fantasy Tactics
This is the only Final Fantasy game I've ever played. The camera angles can be weird, otherwise I have no complaints. Turn based Comcast like this was new for me too. All of the different jobs was something that I loved. You could power yourself up ridiculously strong and actually feel heroic before going into fights.

The story actually really engaged me, even at a young age.
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
I spent a lot of time trying to accomplish a lot of challenges in this game. I think the best was doing the Death Star run. It did have some non-sense crash moments. Was still a bunch of fun to play regardless.
Dr. Mario
Very Tetris like, but had an different element. I spent a lot of time playing this game with my dad. We would challenge each other, but then we could also see how far we could make it on certain settings to challenge each other that way too. This was the beginning of the end for him, I started to get pretty good, and could take him a lot of the time. I also had more time to dedicate to it.

The only thing that made the game tough was the controls felt glitchy at times. Sometimes it was send the pill way to far, or not move. Downfall of the D-Pad on the SNES I suppose. That's not on the game though
Halo Wars
I played a bunch of hours in this game, but not nearly as many as my buddies. I never reached General like they did. The game was dynamic enough though that it was replayable. The RTS genre is different, but bringing it into the Halo universe was a solid play. If you like RTS, this was a solid game.
Halo 2
Loved playing this couch coop. After the first, my cousin and I made sure to also finish this one in a single sitting too. It was a great time to be a middle school kid and beating games with a bud. It changed things enough to be a good follow up to the original. I didn't really ever play the multiplayer for this one, but I've heard it was equally fun.
Diablo III
The game was good the first play through, and even the second. It was fun to pick up and play with friends. I think this was the first game that my wife actually got into playing coop with me. It did have a shelf life. They added things to it to try and add life, but for me after completing it and max leveling my two favorite classes, it was less fun. It became playing a game with my wife, and less playing a game that I was enjoying.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
I remember having races to see who could prestige faster with my roommates. This was also the last time that I went and picked up a game at a midnight release. It felt like after this one, the way of the midnight release went away. Or at least it became less incentivizing.

The game offered a lot. Played smooth. There didn't seem to be a lot of hacking non-sense. There weren't many cheeses. You just had the same typically stuff with noob-tubes and nades.
Assassin's Creed
The game was good when it came out. Was very different. Educational. My only problem was, it got very repetitive. I didn't ever actually finish it because it was just same-y
Fantasy Grounds
Fantasy grounds is an awesome VTT. I use it for one of our D&D games. It is a higher learning curve, but has an awesome community to help you learn. It's satisfying to have the dice and roll. It's flexible to all kinds of TT games.

The cost of entry can be a bit of a barrier, but if you pool your money together, and one person purchases an ultimate license, you'll be set.
The game was everything I was looking for at the time that it came out. It was different. The animations were classic Bungie. I wasn't sure I was going to play it. Then my cousin was talking it up after it launched. I played a bunch of this. Then fell off for Wolves and Crota. Came back for Taken King. That was such a satisfying time.

Bungie did a lot of things right for this game. The problem is it couldn't keep up with the grind. People loved it to the point of drying out content rapidly. The game was difficult as a casual player as then the elitist groups wouldn't take you unless you had XYZ guns.

All in all this game was it man. That's all I can say. It was the community that wasn't it at times. But the community in large is/was awesome. If you need examples of that, look up Guardian Con. It doesn't technically exist anymore, and is not just GCX, but that is peak Destiny community. Video games doing good.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords
This game was pretty good. Had an engaging story for the time. There were a lot of things you could take on. And the ability to build a lightsaber was pretty neat.
Star Wars Battlefront (2015)
It was definitely a BF game. For some reason I didn't care for the way they did power ups. Was definitely an EA game with all the micro transactions as well. I played a bunch, and had fun with friends. It just didn't give the same level of satisfaction that something like Titanfall or COD did though...
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
This game was a blast. I remember racing my cousin countless times in this one. I loved being able to race as the racers other than Sebulba and Anakin too. And being able to customize slightly.

The tracks had a dynamic element to them that was fun. The only knock I have is that more tracks would have been better. Though, for an N64 game, there was probably a lot.
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Played a bunch of this game. Loved the challenge it presented, was Star Wars, and you could fly all kinds of different ships. I remember looking up how to get the Millenium Falcon and things like the A Wing
Gauntlet Dark Legacy
Loved this game. It was back and slash. Whimsical. And the hidden parts were fun to find. I still quote it sometimes.
Gears of War 2
This one was a lot of fun. The story was still good I thought. The mechanics stayed mostly the same, but they made definite improvements. I love the Gears franchise, and this game did it as a sequel.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019)
I enjoyed this game a lot. It was definitely different than playing BoTW and the N64 games. Love the art style though. I would sink more money into remade Zelda games like this if they updated the controls and art style.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Loved this game. Playing and making choices that felt like it had an impact. The turn based combat was different for me because I didn't play a lot of games that played like that, but it was still fun. I remember learning a lot about the Star Wars lore from outside the movies through my interest in this game.
I started this game a couple of times. I wasn't a big fan of the combat, but the story was engaging. I know some of the story, so I was having fun exploring it first hand. Just could stick to it for some reason.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
This was the first COD game I ever played. I spent a lot of hours in it. It was a bunch of fun, except it was relatively easy it seemed for people to hack. So the more that became prevalent, the less fun the game got. Overall though, it was not bad. Definitely laid the ground work for it's predecessors.
Stardew Valley
The game is pretty good. It tries to teach you things along the way, but doesn't do a great job of explaining most of the intricacies of the game.

Fishing is needlessly difficult. Combat is challenging, but not necessarily in a rewarding way. Both systems are a victim of the games format.

My favorite part is that I can couch coop it with my daughters or my wife. It's an easy way to spend a couple hours together just enjoying each others company. Until someone plants something in your field that shouldn't be there....
Mario Kart: Double Dash
This was actually a pretty fun Mario Kart game. The dual riders actually added a fun element. The courses don't really stand out in my mind apart from Baby Park. I raced that thing trying to refine my time trial down so much, trying to beat the ghost. I would imagine that track, and that goal, is where I got the slide boost down.
Halo 3
I couldn't give it anything other than 5 stars. I think by hours, this is probably by far my most played game. It had super fun multiplayer. I knew so many people playing it. I remember hosting regular LAN parties, which for a kid that didn't have more than a just the one friend before high school, was peak childhood.

Zombies, shotty snipers, rumble, original SWAT. The list of fun modes goes on. The maps made the game fast but there were enough differences to keep them engaging.

None of that even touches the campaign. By far my favorite story of the games. So satisfying to end the Prophet...
Gears of War
This game was awesome. It was one of my favorites to split screen with my cousin. It was different, and the story was awesome. The controls were a little rough to learn, and it has weird camera angles sometimes. Cole train is by far my favorite character, though I do love me some bard too
Mario Kart 64
I'm sure it's actually 5 stars, but I wasn't great at teaching back then so I just enjoyed it some. This was where games became a family affair when I was a kid
Donkey Kong Country
I don't remember a bunch about this game. I do remember that it's one of the first games where I started to pay attention to things outside of the states objective. Collecting the golden letters and animals along the way was my first real "side quest"
Super Mario 64
This is still the only Mario world I've ever beaten. Second game on the 64 I played after Mario kart. Favorite memory has to be dropping that penguin off the ledge, and it's mom freaking out
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
This is actually a great game to sit down and play with the kids. They can drop in and out pretty easy. They enjoy it, and it's possible to play without them having to do too much. The easy side scroller hits the spot in a way some modern games just can't. Controls are easy, but it would have been cool to see a little bit more in the way of combo attacks. Very good game though, and a solid TMNT entry.
I feel like I would probably have given it an easy 5 stars back in the day. It was good, and it was one of the few games I could get people to come over and play. But I don't want to give it too much nostalgia points and over rate it either.
Teamfight Tactics
Wife loves playing this game. I like playing it from time to time. It's one that I play for a bit, then uninstall from my phone. Then some number of months reinstall and play for a bit. It's easy enough to pick up for an auto chess game
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
This game is awesome. There's a lot to it that I never even really explored. My only knocks on it: there's no on screen visual for your weapons durability, and one of the main quests has a clue giver but it doesn't guide you to them.

I don't mind the weapon durability system, but not knowing how much disability an item has, or is left was a little bit disappointing.

I spent a month lost on the main quest, put the game down for a couple years. Got a little more committed. Accidentally stumbled across an NPC, and got closer. Finished the game after that and loved it!