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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
RandissBobandiss Here since Season 0
Proud Canadian Gamer, moderator and content creator with The Dad Gaming! Father to a handsome little man !
Helldivers II
My friend bought the game and I got it free via GameShare and I just have to say I'm 100% hooked, the comedy mixed through is great, with a few minor updates this games going to rule
What Remains of Edith Finch
What an amazing game! My girlfriend is only just starting to be interested in games and downloaded this to try, needless to say now she's hooked and demanding something similar to this!
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
I got this game for Christmas with a new PS5 and have the Platinum trophy already, amazing writing and the game play feels great! If you're a spiderman fan I HIGHLY recommend, have some tissues on hand
Hack 'n' Slash
I got this game free on a key giveaway and I absolutely loved it! Only took a couple of hours to beat but immediately wanted to go back in because i know I missed stuff my first time through! Definitely worth checking out if you spot it on sale 😉
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
This was one of THE BEST story based games I have played, the actual game play is slightly repetitive but the story and soundtrack are top tier
Mario Strikers: Battle League
From playing the original strikers to the "beta" they have released for this I can honestly say this is a must play! Hands down one of my favorite Mario games !!
God of War (2018)
Easily one of my favorite PS4 games ! I've always loved the GoW series but the added touch of Norse mythos brought it to another level for me ! Eagerly waiting for GoW Ragnarok
Want to rip your hair out in frustration but enjoy doing it? This is the game for you! With absolutely breathtaking art work and a very solid story I can't recommend this game enough
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Am absolutely must play for any and all LoZ fans ! Hours of fun to be had and no shortage of things to do with references to older titles
Super Mario Bros. 3
If you haven't played this game you're definitely too young for me lol just kidding! The original hair puller
Star Fox 64
I spent countless hours playing this in my younger years, will always hold a special place in my heart
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
I absolutely love all the AC games, and im a huge Viking fan, but this game fell flat in a few areas, they focused too much on the open world aspect and the rest of the game suffered because of it
The one game that annoys the crap out of me but I still go back to time and time again lol the no build mode is a refreshing addition
Star Wars Battlefront (2015)
Wanted to give it as much of a chance as possible being a star wars game but this just helped me realize I prefer a game that actually has a story and not poorly developed multi-player
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Easily the best of the 3 with countless hours of gameplay, an amazing story to back is super helpful, after reading the entire book series these games were an absolute must for me !
Apex Legends
After hosting tournaments and moderating a group for this game I can honestly say I hate how much I love this game
I've played this game since release, great way to make countless hours disappear! Today I love to have a "smoke" then get lost in Mines for hours on end or farm
Mario Kart 8
One game that i do not mess around with, if im playing im playing for 1st. I refuse to play this in TDG because ill never win LOL
No Man's Sky
I played on launch and was greatly disappointed, I attempted to play again shortly after and just got bored really fast, I've heard it's pulled a full 180 so I may have to give it another go
Halo Infinite
The game we have been waiting for, takes you back to the good ol halo 3 days where we would be up all night long playing "one more match", the open world sandboxish campaign was a nice addition
my go to survival game, made by only a handful of people and Viking theme was enough to hook me!
Stardew Valley
Probably my favorite game to just "chill" with! I've after buying it for my PC, my switch, my ps4 and my phone lol