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Quake III Arena
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
The Quarry
The Quarry
An enjoyable, rather flawed choose-your-own-adventure horror movie. Voice acting was top notch. QTEs were not rage-inducing unlike The Man from Median series. Takes *forever* to get going though and the aftermath is fairly unsatisfying. Still, definitely felt like being in a horror movie which was super cool for a Xennial fan of the genre such as myself.

Lance Henrikson, David Arquette, That Old Lady from the Insidious movies, and an Ariana Grande song? What the hell was the budget for this thing?
Ninja Gaiden II (2008)
Great sequel. Again, limbs flying everywhere. Big weapons that somehow didn't look ridiculous when Ryu was hacking away with them.

On a negative note - Look I'm a red-blooded American male but Sonia's design was downright embarrassing.
Ninja Gaiden (2004)
So hard. Combat got really fun once I learned it. Limbs flying everywhere. First boss made me want to enter a monastery and swear off all technology forever (not just video games).
Assassin's Creed Origins
Wow this game is pretty. New style of combat for the series took some getting used to. Enjoyed the story. Dang the map is big.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
The game is huge. The combat is brutal and fun. The "stealth" is meh but since when was it not in Assassin's Creed? Didn't care for the story.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
A pleasant surprise, given the history of games cashing in on the movie. Combat was fun. Story wasn't bad. The camera was rage-inducing.
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
The standard to which all strategy games are held and I friggin' love RTS games and often lament that they've fallen out of fashion. They're still making expansions for the damn thing!
Star Wars: The Old Republic
WoW with Jedi? And a rich story per class? Yes please. Expansions sent it downhill for me though. Didn't love their treatment of Revan and the whole Fallen Empire / Eternal Throne stuff was a big head scratcher, especially for non-force-wielding toons.

Now Bioware has given it up for adoption. Ah well, here's to new ME and DA games!
World of Warcraft
By the end, I refused to enter the /played command 'cause I really really didn't want to know. Amazing achievement. I wasn't annoyed with the downtime so much as flabbergasted that they architected the thing in such a way that the servers were ever up.

Was happy the game ended after the Wrath of the Lich King expansion...
Wow this game was fun. Wow making a sequel instead of expanding it was dumb.
I feel like this was the forgotten MechWarrior game since it was greatly simplified (i.e. made fun to play). The combat and destruction were so satisfying. And it had co-op w00t!
Hunter: The Reckoning
My buddy played the priest. I played the woman with the dual Desert Eagles. We killed vampires. Life was good.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Taught me that stealth games can be fun! This franchise needs to make a comeback - preferably including Michael Ironside.
Batman: Arkham Knight
Gameplay is amazing. Batmobile is great fun.

Enough with The Joker already Batman has dozens of villains to pick from! While you're at it can we stop with the predictable schoolyard taunts every 5 minutes?

Ending was absolute pants.
Gears of War 2
Pretty much everything you'd want in a sequel to a great game. Love the characters in this series.
Quake III Arena
The year is 2001. You can hear a pin drop in the dorm halls as everyone studies for finals. The words on the page begin to blur. You rub your eyes, shake your head and grind on, but your focus is waning. You begin to realize you have to re-read each sentence two or three times as you're just not able to focus. You're trapped in your own mind. As despair sets in, the pre-med student in the dorm next door shouts "QUAKE BREAK!". You are released. Suddenly boredom turns to bloodthirst as you boot up the game. The silence is replaced by taunts mixed with shouts of obscenity. All will be well for the next 20 minutes.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
"Just think of me like any other member of the party. Except with a lightsaber. And uh, force powers."
-Jolee Bindo

It's been almost exactly 20 years since this masterpiece was released. I always thought setting it thousands of years before the original trilogy was a brilliant move. The voice acting and dialog made it so immersive. Took me a while to get used to the turn-based combat just because I'd never played a game like that before.

Best Star Wars story outside of Luke's saga and I'd honestly say it gives even that a run for its money. Fight me!

Man those Star Forge robes were fugly.
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Holding one star back because I feel I shouldn't rate so many games with five stars...

Great game. I honestly can't summarize the story properly so I'll just say it is indeed a plague tale and wow is it dark. You play as kids, adding an elevated element of danger when hiding and in combat. Not sure if it's considered survival horror but this one certainly had my adrenaline going as much or more than any Resident Evil game.

As I mentioned in a previous post it seems like the developer took a lot of chances and absolutely nailed it.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Where to begin? The platforming is actually fun. The combat is downright satisfying. The story is amazing. It's definitely the Empire Strikes Back to Fallen Order's A New Hope. I couldn't put it down.
A Plague Tale: Requiem
A worthy if flawed sequel. Amicia's a lil OP this time around but I'm not complaining. Story is largely great with a few head-scratching moments. I do hope there'll be a third game in the series! (Copied from a separate post I made - apologies for the redundancy)