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Ally Probst
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Sonic the Hedgehog
So many games wouldn't exist without others paving the way first. Shenmue was/is a lesser known gaming vehicle that successfully closed the century by setting a solid precedent for what to expect moving forward. Interactive open-world possibilities, side missions, mini games. A gripping story line and relatable characters. Without Shenmue, there's no GTA as you know it today. One of the best games ever made!
Street Fighter II Turbo
Didn't realize the magic in "the balance" of this game until years later; when gaming developed to the point it could be patched, and how often that occurs. Incredible for a first shot attempt. In the right hands, any fighter was a viable threat. Even Zangief could get it done! Tremendous accomplishment at the time.
Tecmo Super Bowl
This is the greatest game that's ever been made. I know this for a fact as I've played the series spanning over 35 years, dozens of states, several online emulators, and hundreds of various ROMs. From glorious online and real-life tournament triumphs to soul-crushing 100-yard JJ bombs in last-second defeat. I've seen it all from an entire team of QBEagles vs David Fulchers to even teams filled with movie cops and yours truly. Long Live Tecmo!
Tecmo Bowl
Iconic game that paved the way for data junkies to eventually obtain seasonal statistics, like in its sequel Tecmo Super Bowl. If you wanted to win Tecmo Bowl you were committing a weekend and you better hope your little brother doesn't trip over the power cord. FML and start over. Eventually, Tecmo offered battery powered memory inside the cartridge along with the possibility of throwing incomplete passes and fumbling. TB is suited for nostalgic purposes only. Not 24-hour drunken marathons like its Super siblings.
Rock Band
This game helped make me feel cool. Nice spin off from guitar hero but I couldn't imagine playing this ever again.
Grand Theft Auto V
I am loyal to Vice City. As I do these reviews I'm noticing a correlation between the time I invested and how forward-looking the vision of the game was for its time. I can't help but feel like some things suffered between Red Dead Redemption and GTA V. Maybe Sony is to blame... I don't like sacrificing gameplay and responsiveness for graphics.
Borderlands 3
Didn't capture the magic of BL2 but still a good time! Endless weapons and missions. I usually just give all my extra cash to Roxxxi.
The Last of Us
Pleasantly surprised! Captivating storyline and entertaining gameplay. Little bit dated by the time I played, not offering open world. But it was fun and I wanted more!
Red Dead Redemption 2
Beautiful game. A little slow in responsiveness but an emersive experience both pve and pvp.
Enjoyable experience and worth a sentence or two of my time. But mostly I'm just harvesting XP.
Star Fox 64
It's been so long since I've played but this was the go to for a solid year in 1995-1996.
I think this was the first game that showed environmental damage way a thing. Legendary.
Hahahaha, Joust! I forgot all about Joust. Like many of the games made around the same time, you had to be pretty bored but amazed by what we were doing. Somewhere between pioneer and masochist.
Metal Gear Solid
Pretty sure this game changed my life. Big coding flex for what the gaming future would bring us. Pretty much flawless!
Duck Hunt
Another NES classic way ahead of its time to the point of absolute frustration. The dog is a god level troll.
Used to play this on Intelevision in the mid-80s. Always so frustrating but I learned to really appreciate it the older I grew. Very difficult game!
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. 3 restored faith and delivered on all levels. Paving the way for decades of success and growth for Nintendo.
Double Dribble
The kid in me wants to rate 5 stars but there are plenty of NES games that are still enjoyable as an adult. Somehow in my old age I've forgotten how to trigger the dunk cut screen.
The Legend of Zelda
Obligatory 1-star review to upset the Zelda maxis. I've lost many friends over this. Zelda is one of the most overrated games of all time. If Zelda were a band it would be called Radiohead. Who wants to be friends?
Play upside down and/or with a mirror. OG hardcore mode ftw. Inverted is always better.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Copycat inspiration must be handled delicately and SEGA was wildly successful in proving how you could take an idea and improve it. I would drop my rings if I took a spike to the butt, too!