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Phil Glassner Founding Member
Related Games
Metal Gear Solid
Alien: Isolation
Super Mario Galaxy
Longtime gamer, tech enthusiast and software developer.
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
This game was amazing for it's day, but even back then the camera made the game tough to play. Controls were OKish, but the game play itself was such a blast!
Alien: Isolation
One of the best games ever made for this IP. Captures the feel from the movies of having to hide from the Alien.
Donkey Kong Country
Graphics were absolutely outstanding when this was released. This is a gem of a game and still holds up fairly well. For me it was the first unforgiving platformer before games like Meat Boy; Mario and Sonic are very forgiving by comparison. Levels are fun, challenging and it usually feels fair when you screw up.
Super Mario Galaxy
This game was an excellent entry in the Super Mario series. They took many things that were great about Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine to incorporate into the game. The controls are smooth and respond well. Lots of fun and creative levels to enjoy in this entry.
Titanfall 2
The single player portion of this game is AWESOME. A fun, action-filled, sci-fi adventure. Wall running, giant robots, stealth, variety of weapons are just some of the features you'll find in this game. If you enjoy first person shooters I would definitely recommend checking this one out.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
A top tier game. So much great emergent game play and open world exploration. It ALMOST lost a star because of the ridiculously bad weapon durability.
Tomb Raider (2013)
A very good gaming reboot. Fun action, easy to traverse back and forth to get things you missed. An amazing UI that stays out of your way. Lara really seems like a great adventurer in this and there are some spectacular moments that feel like you're living in a big action movie. The unfortunate part of this game is that the death scenes are a bit too extreme, but it gets toned down later in the series.
Counter-Strike: Source
Great game, it's aged pretty well despite the weird addition of skins. Great for a quick match or ten if you don't have a lot of time to invest.
Super Mario Bros. 3
This is a must play for a Mario fan. I don't think you need to complete it, but there are many good levels and so much classic Mario fun in this game.
Metal Gear Solid
An amazing game from Konami. I played it on the original Playstation and the remake on the Gamecube. I think playing the remake is worth it in my opinion, but I know that's not the general consensus.
Diablo III
I love that this game is pretty easy to just run through and beat up on stuff. That's not to say it's too easy, but everything in the game sort of just stays out of your way. The art style received a lot of criticism when it was first announced, but I think it's pretty great.