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“The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, 'You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” - George Carlin
Among Us
You are all suspect!
A shallow but fun game with friends
Well that died quickly
Cause mass destruction
Climb buildings, fight off Army
Go for the high score
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Ending season 5 with the one I've been sitting on for a while. Didn't want to do this until Ganon was defeated.

Build own adventure
Where did Princess Zelda go?
Epic at all times
Diablo III
Changed since first release
Classic dungeon crawling fun
Plays best with your friends
Harass neighborhood
Throw newspapers through windows
Then go on stunt course
Pokémon GO
Gotta catch em all
But Niantic needs money
Don't give it to them

To be fair this rating is for the current state of the game in 2023...
Cyborg Justice
In honor of live Battlebots tonight:

Build your fighting bot
Take apart foes piece by piece
Can team up with friend
Super Smash Bros. 64
Spending time in Las (New) Vegas this week so the reviews have been halted a bit while I try to find Mr. House (so I can kill him again just so you know).

OG platform fight
Best Nintendo Characters
Settle it in Smash
Puzzle solving game
Now you're thinking with portals
Short but thrilling game
Good game in progress
Play with friends, build your bases
Look out for Odin
Metroid Prime
In honor of the newly announced remaster:

Metroid adventure
Use your visors and cannons
Defeat space pirates
Gunfire Reborn
Choose your Gunfire class
Pick up random guns and scrolls
Best played with some friends.
Dead Cells
Not Papa Roach Song
Great Game, rouge-lite, tight controls
Collect cells, grow strong
Monster Hunter Rise
The latest entry in the Monster Hunter series has made the game more accessible than ever. The introduction of Wire Bugs give extra mobility and recovery options. The game is definitely "easier" than it's earlier entries but that doesn't mean it won't teach you to respect it at some of the heftier fights.

Like all monster hunter games, you kill monsters to make better armor and weapons. The end game here isn't the strongest, as it released in the middle of COVID-19. Post-launch content was decent but nowhere near World level of add-ons. Still spent hundreds of hours playing this game on the switch. The graphics are better than they have any right to be on Nintendo's latest. Just wish the PC version came out earlier. Lack of cross-save and cross-play hurts this, but typical monster hunter fashion, it's all about the grind for gear.
Monster Hunter
Are boss fights are the best part of the games you play? Boy then do I have a game for you...

"But Matt, what is the game about?" Read the box!

You hunt progressively tougher monsters to make new armor and weapons to hunt the next progressively harder monster until you've hunted them all.

The earlier games featured a LOT of grind. The later games have made numerous quality of life improvements. But the old ones still have a special feel to them. Taking down monsters in these games are challenging, but rewarding. Use the right element and/or technique. Study your prey. Then make them your new hat.
Descent II
It's the sequel everyone wanted. What? Doom 2? Doom 2 only added like 1 new weapon and a couple new monster. Descent 2 added 10! That's a capital T-E-N new weapons!!! Plus distinct upgraded robots and bosses from the first game. The worst of these being the Thief Bot. Just imagine, you're flying around, blasting robots into scrap and BAM, suddenly your plasma cannot got jacked! And if you wanted it back, you had to pry it from this machine's cold dead lifters.

It was sheer insanity flying through mines. Everything got upgraded! You got afterburners, energy to shield converters, a Guide Bot to help you traverse the new sprawling mines. But the weapons are where it's at! The standout weapon, where the first game had it's Mega Missile, Descent 2 had the EARTHSHAKER! If everything in the room wasn't dead after you used it, you obviously don't know what you're doing. Might as well just quit and uninstall now.

Then there's the soundtrack, with Type O Negative contributing significantly. That opening gets my blood pumping every time.
Ok time to sit back and listen to a story from wayyyyyyyyy back in1996. When FPS games like Doom and Wolfenstein were all the rage. What's that? You're having fun in your two planes of freedom? Pffft. How about 360 degrees of mutha-effin freedom!
Descent puts you in the role of Material Defender, a mercenary tasks with cleaning out interstellar mines full of robots infected by a virus; a virus that turns the robots against their masters. As the MD, you fly the Pyro-DX, a ship capable of flying in any direction at any time, LOADED with futuristic weapons.

Got Lasers?!?! Yup
Need to home in on those small fast nimble bastards! Fire the homing missile!
Have to clear the room cause it's getting too hard to breath in here! Mega Missile away!

In the vane of Doom, you clear levels by collecting key cards to locked doors while trying to keep your hit points above 0 and reducing everything else's to it. Finally, you have to destroy the sector reactor. And when you do, you think you're jobs done, but NOPE. Countdown time! Get out before the mine self destructs!

This is also the FIRST game I played multi-player over the internet. Dial up! Yeah remember that!?!? This game was pure 90s, all with a rocking album to get the adrenaline flowing. I still go back and play this game every once in a while, cause it's like going back to the cookies you used to get as a kid. Activates all those tingly sensors in your brain.
Would you kindly read this review and let me know your thoughts on Bioshock?

This game oozes atmosphere. The story and that twist goes down in gaming history. It's only marred by what many consider a weak boss battle. The weapons, upgrades, and plasmids are so well done, this game easily makes any top 50 list for years to come.
Silent Hill
In the wake of Resident Evil, came Silent Hill. Trying to capture the success of what Capcom did, Konami had the right concept at the right time. Technical limitations begot ingenuity. The fog that helped reduce draw distance limitations created the eery environment where you didn't know what was coming at you.

Combine this with a radio that let's you know when danger is near, and that damned siren, this game franchise started off amazingly and lead to one of the greatest sequels of all time.
Resident Evil
Played this game for the first time at a friends house, late at night. Can't think of a better way to be introduced to the series. The janky tank controls, the corny dialogue, and the inventory management all were a product of the time this was made. This game popularized a genre as many games aspired to be what this was and reap the success it did. I feel it was only bested by the Gamecube remake as the ultimate version. You never forget your first doberman jumping through a window....
Mega Man 2
Psychostick has a bit where they discuss whether MM2 or MM3 is the better game. I'm firmly on the side of 2 for this one. This was my first Mega Man game and I vividly remember being in Toys R Us, convincing my mom to buy me this over the Simpsons vs. the Space Mutants. I still feel like I made the right choice to this day.

The robot masters are iconic, the music is amazing, and the gameplay is perfect.
This game is best played with friends. The developers continue to pour their blood sweat and tears and provide the community with meaningful updates. For those that don't know, this is a ghost hunting game. You and up to three friends go into a haunted dwelling and use ghost hunting tools (eg EMF meters, radios, video camers) and try to determine what kind of ghost is causing the disturbance. The challenge occurs when you take too long and the ghost gets angry and tries to kill you.

With each difficulty level, new layers unfold creating more challenges. It's a wonderful risk/reward mechanic, which gives you money for successfully determining the type of ghost. The risk comes in if the ghost kills you; as a result you lose all the equipment you brought to the hunt.

If that wasn't enough, it can be played in VR too... I think the only thing I'd want at this point is different death animations. Otherwise, it's still scary no matter how many times I play.
Team Fortress 2
The amount of time I've spent in this game with friends eclipses almost any other game I've ever played. We still play to this day. How many other games that are 15 years old can you say you still play regularly?

I was a pyro before this game, it just let me play one for more hours than I can count. Steam only started calculating hours years after this game was already out. The class and weapon balance, and yearly events keep the dream alive. Now if only Valve would something about the damn bots....
Portal 2
The amount of time I spent in this in multi-player dwarfs the time spent in single-player. Though the single-player story has stuck with me years after I finished it. I can't hear or see lemons without thinking about making combustible lemons. The characters, tight gameplay, and brain-twisting, but not unnecessarily difficult puzzles were simply perfect.

Then there's the multi-player. The amount of times I "accidentally" stepped off a button after I sent my partner sailing through the air, only to be punished later when they failed to stop the crusher over me, lead to countless laughs and equally numerous joys when we put our heads together to beat especially tough puzzles. It brings friends closer, even if you're simultaneously pushing them off a light bridge.
MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat
I remember first playing this game on my Sega Saturn. Time was not kind to it, but at the time it was amazing. The follow-up Mechwarrior 3, was superior in almost every way.

That said, this was my first foray in mechanized combat that lead to the lifetime of infatuation over managing multiple systems in the best manner to slag an enemy battlemech.
Marvel's Spider-Man (2018)
I've played almost EVERY spiderman games released.

Some of my top:
Spiderman and the Sinster Six (NES)
Spiderman 2 (ps2)
Ultimate Spiderman (Gamecube)
Spiderman Shattered Dimensions (ps3)
Spiderman Web of Shadows (ps3)

This game blows ALL of them out of the water. I remember Tucker and I spent some days battling out with Photo Mode posts on Facebook and we came up with some neat shots and some good laughs.

This game is what happens when a developer respects the IP but still wants to do their own thing. If you missed it, you need to find some way to get in on the fun.