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Bejeweled Blitz
It is rare that I enjoy a mobile game. So, it comes to no surprise to me that I did not enjoy this one.
This seems like the kind of game where there are dozens of variations of basically the same game. On an 8x8 grid, match up gems in sets of 3. Matching can get you multipliers. There are other special gems you can use as well to boost your score. All this is to be done within 60 seconds (unless you use coins or gems to briefly extend the length of your session).
So sure, if you like games with quick rounds, then perhaps you'd enjoy it more than I did.
Personally, I'm not a fan of games with a time crunch like this. I like to be able to think through my various moves. So, I prefer Candy Crush (another game that requires matching like items, yet without a time crunch) - though that one can get quickly tedious.
Geometry Dash
No! Just, no!
It's hard to put into words just how much I hate, nay, despise this game!
To be fair, I don't know for sure which version I played (when searching for "play geometry dash online", a plethora of options come up). I tried a couple different ones though and hated both of them.
It was quite difficult to get the timing down on jumping. Granted, I was playing on keyboard. It's possible I would hate this game less on mobile or with a controller.
But even with a controller, I can't foresee myself enjoying this game enough to rate it more than 2 stars at the absolute most.
All I know is that the stupid little cube wasn't all that responsive. And then the weird flying sections were unexpected and likewise annoying (again, perhaps the version I played was different than the one that others have played).
One of the versions I played did have a couple checkpoints which did allow me to finally beat a level (though it took more tries than I'd care to admit)!
In conclusion: do NOT play this game unless you hate yourself and are a masochist!
Popcorn Rocket
I’ve only played the demo, and I didn’t get very far (due to the fact that I suck at playing games on KBM).
Gameplay (for me) is 1 star because these kinds of scrolling arcade shooters are just not my style of game.
However, I have to bump it up to 3 stars because not only does the game look great, but I loved all of the cheesy puns!
If you like this style of game, I say it’s worth checking out!
A simple yet fun premise. Great for its time, but obviously quickly repetitive by today's standards.
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
I can understand the appeal of this game, especially for its time.
However, I can only give it 2 stars because playing a game with KBM is the worst!
Also, it didn't help that I failed the first mission because it wasn't clear where Einstein was (I ended up destroying the building he was in.
The Oregon Trail
I understand why this game would have been popular at the time for strategy fans, but I just don't have the patience to try and beat it.
Ghosts 'n Goblins
An extremely challenging game (typical of NES era) with annoying music and sound effects!
I'm not sure how this style of game was ever popular! The controls were awful and the game simply wasn't fun!
Dinosaur Game (Chrome Dino)
If I could play with a controller, and if it didn't make me nauseated with how fast it scrolls, I could have seen rating this game higher.
Not a great game - it's way too simple. But I'll give it a 2nd star for trying something different.
Not a great game, but I give it props for putting you inside the cockpit of a helicopter (as opposed to a stereotypical auto-scrolling shooter).
The Adventures of Bayou Billy
This game is WAY too hard! Even taking into consideration that I was playing on keyboard, the fact that I could only defeat a few enemies before dying is ridiculous!
1943: The Battle of Midway
The WW2 setting and the ability to customize the strength of your plane just isn't enough to get me to like auto-scrolling shooters (but again, I like it more than the typical sci-fi ones).
I don't like auto-scrolling shooters, but I'll give this one 2 stars because of the WW2 setting (which is a nice change of pace from the typical sci-fi setting).
I think the water in this game is magnetic, cause I kept falling into it. I'll stick with THPS.
10-Yard Fight
Wow, this game is horrible! Horrible controls and awful graphics. At least sports games eventually became playable.
8 Eyes
I think this game was designed for co-op as controlling both characters at once is quite difficult. Without an opportunity to play this one co-op, I can't give it more than 1 star.
Adventure Island
Admittedly, playing on keyboard hurts my rating of this game. I could see it potentially being 3 stars if I were able to play with a controller.
Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
I'm glad that Disney eventually made good games, but this isn't one of them. Only part I enjoyed was the trivia (but not enough to give it more than 1 star).
Back to the Future
I had forgotten all about this game! I remember playing it as a kid though (I think one of my cousins had it). Like most NES games, it's overly difficult. It's not a great game either, but I gave it a bonus star cause I love the movie!
Journey to Silius
I found this game to be both repetitive but also stereotypically difficult for a NES game.
Wario's Woods
Boring, repetitive, and way too easy. I didn't have the patience to wait for it to get difficult as the game just didn't interest me.
I'd much rather play Volleyfall in Fall Guys (which is saying something as that's one of my least favourite stages)!
Without the nostalgia to play a factor, this game just isn't for me. Horrible controls!
Another wretched auto-scrolling shooter that does nothing to make me enjoy this genre.
Vice: Project Doom
Game starts auto with an auto-scrolling shooter level (which I was not expecting) before turning into the expected side-scrolling beat 'em up. But considering how hard this one is (I wasn't expecting falling platforms) and the fact I've played better beat 'em ups; I can only give this game 1 star.
Shadow of the Ninja
For a side-scrolling beat 'em up, it didn't do anything to set itself apart from the plethora of others.
Ninja JaJaMaru-kun
Let's just say, there's probably a good reason it wasn't originally brought over to North America...
River City Ransom
It's a typical NES beat 'em up. But I'll give it 3 stars cause of how silly it is - like how the gang members will yell barf or mama after you beat them up.
Mystery Tower
I found it to be confusing and didn't have the patience to put much effort into it.
Mighty Bomb Jack
I got past the first level but I really didn't have a clue as to what I was really supposed to be doing.
The Immortal
I couldn’t get past the weird camera angle. Nor do I have the patience for what will clearly require a TON of trial and error.
DAIVA Story 6: Imperial of Nirsartia
What the heck is this game and why on earth would Nintendo release it for the Switch online? I had absolutely zero idea of what to do (furthest I got was figuring out how to move the ship). It doesn’t help that the game is in Japanese. I wish I could give this 0 stars!
EarthBound Beginnings
Super weird. Game starts off with you fighting a lamp and a doll.
I was totally confused by this game which I find to be typical of NES RPGs.
Mega Man 2
First time ever playing a Mega Man game (that I can recall). Only was able to beat one boss before running out of lives. Perhaps I should have checked a guide to see if there was a particular order I should pick stages.
I can see the appeal of the series even if it's not really my kind of game.
Super C
Fun game. The difficulty level makes it harder to give it any more than 3 stars though. I even tried entering the Konami code (to no avail).
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
The first one is more appealing to me in that you can jump right into combat. The RPG elements in this sequel are a turn-off.
More fun than I expected it to be (though I don't plan to play through it in its entirety). But I can see why the franchise is popular.
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
I was surprised to see how much different this game is than the original. And I have to say that the original looks like a better game based on my limited playtime.
The Legend of Zelda
Although this series has never held much interest for me, I decided to finally give the original a try. It's not for me (not sure how people played a game like this before Internet walkthroughs), but I have to give it 3 stars for the music and for the iconic line, "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this."
This game just isn't for me. I didn't grow up with it, so there's no nostalgia. Like most NES games, it is difficult (I wasn't expecting to have to go left at the start of the game to be able to turn into the spinning ball).
But ultimately, I gave it 3 stars due to its importance in gaming history.
This game is boring. And as @bitzdad pointed out, this game has nothing to do with Yoshi! Just seems like a cash-grab!
Tecmo Bowl
I'm trying to keep in mind that this was probably a decent game for its time. But unless you grew up playing it, I don't see any real reason to start playing now.
I presumably would have enjoyed this game more as a kid, but it's decent for what it is.
Super Dodge Ball
The graphics kept glitching. But my biggest problem with this game is that it's nothing like any real-life dodgeball game I've ever played!
NES Open Tournament Golf
I feel 2 stars is being generous. Granted I never played as a kid, so I'm spoiled by modern Mario golf games. But this game is boring and difficult.
Kirby's Adventure
I owned Kirby's Dream Land for GB as a kid but missed out on this game. So without the nostalgia, best I can give it is 3 stars. It's a decent game that holds up fairly well for a NES game.
Kid Icarus
I liked him a lot in Smash: Melee (when I wasn't using Kirby), but I didn't care all that much for this game.
Ice Hockey
I missed out on this one as a kid. I got my hockey fix from Blades of Steel (which I have to say is the superior game)!
But I'm Canadian, so I do have to at least give this 3 stars!
Ice Climber
Weird little game; got bored with it quickly. Probably would have liked it better as a kid.
Clu Clu Land
Seeing the 4 and 5 star reviews, I thought maybe I'd enjoy this one somewhat. However, I didn't find the controls to be intuitive, so I quickly got bored and quit.
Might feel differently had I played it when it came out; but the controls were awful and the game was boring!
Balloon Fight
Got bored with it pretty quickly, and the controls aren't great. But 2 stars because of the "balloon trip" option which was more fun than the main game.
Adventures of Lolo
I often enjoy puzzle games, and this one definitely has me intrigued. I just finished the first floor and enjoyed it enough that I'll likely come back to it later and see if I can beat it.
So 3 stars for now, but with the potential to go higher.
It's on the Nintendo Switch Online; so if you like puzzle games, check this one out!

Edit: Finished the game. Stays a 3, but that's a decent rating for a NES game IMO.
Donkey Kong
3.5 but I'll round up due to its importance in gaming history. Definitely the best in the genre. I think the first time I played it was in DK64!
Wrecking Crew
I never knew this was technically a Mario game! It was OK, but as far as this style of game goes, it's definitely not as good as Donkey Kong!
Not really my kind of game, plus it seems like a knock-off of much better games in the genre! Plus it was confusing as to what to do (and I didn't have the patience to keep trying as I quickly got bored).
I usually enjoy platformers, but this one requires more patience than I have for it (or a walkthrough so I can figure out where to go). But definitely not the worst NES game.
I've never enjoyed side-scrolling shooters. Using the rewind feature is the only may I can make any progress!
Nightshade (1992)
Interesting concept in theory but poor execution and fight controls (at least by today's standards). Couldn't figure out how to get past the first area.
Dig Dug
I might have liked it more had I been able to play with a controller instead of a keyboard. Though definitely seems better than the sequel (which I initially mistook for this game).
I'm sure I would have rated this one higher had I played it as a kid, but definitely a decent pinball game. Probably closer to 2.5 stars.
Pro Wrestling
I've only played once (for the C3 Triple Dare challenge). It was OK, but not one I have any plans to play again.
Only played it for a Channel 3 challenge. I didn't really care for it; but may have liked it more had I played as a kid.
Spiritual Warfare
I remember playing this one with @mariomaestro at his grandma's house as a kid. It's kind of a Christian knock-off of Legend of Zelda.
It probably wasn't all that great of a game, but I'll give it 3 stars cause of nostalgia and the music.
Super Pitfall
Another NES game I had as a kid that was way too difficult for me and thus never beat it.
Blades of Steel
It may not hold up as well today but I’ll give this one 4 stars because of nostalgia and because I’m Canadian (and hockey is in our DNA)!
I remember playing this game all the time with @mariomaestro growing up - so many good times! And of course, the fights were the best part! 😂
Cobra Triangle
Like most NES games, it was WAY too difficult for me as a kid. But I do remember playing it a lot, so I’ll give it 3 stars.
Also, I didn’t realize until recently that this game was made by Rare! I’m obviously a much bigger fan of their SNES and N64 games!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I wish I could rate this one higher because I love Ninja Turtles (the 90s movie is an all-time favourite)! But this game was just so dang difficult! Even if I was lucky enough to make it past the notorious dam level, I never did make it past Area 3. It wasn’t until college, when I saw a friend playing through it on an emulator, that I discovered just how much of the game there was still left to beat!
It didn’t help either that they had weird choices for enemies that seemed totally out of place with what I knew of TMNT.
P.O.W.: Prisoners of War
I loved this game as a kid! I doubt it would hold up well today (hence only 3 stars), so I’ll just keep my nostalgia goggles on for this one.
But it was a fun beat-em-up for its time. Nothing quite like getting those brass knuckles early on so you could more easily beat up the bad guys.
Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest)
I remember playing this game as a kid and being utterly confused by what I was supposed to do. I’d wander around for a bit and then die, regardless of how many times I tried.

This was my introduction to RPGs, which probably explains why I held them in disdain for so long. Even to this day, there are very few RPGs that interest me.
NES Play Action Football
The fact that I don’t remember this game AT ALL despite owning it justifies the 1-star rating IMO. Plus football is a sport that has never really interested me.
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
I just played this game and I can understand why Nintendo was afraid to release it in North America. The difficulty level on this one is crazy compared to the original, not to mention Nintendo trolling players with mushrooms that can hurt Mario! And don't get me started on the insane precision jumps that are required or the annoying wind!
It's hard enough playing on the Switch with the rewind feature. I couldn't imagine playing it normally!

That all being said, it's still Mario; it's still a solid platformer - you'll just need a lot more time and patience to get through this one!
Mario Bros.
A decent game that quickly gets tiresome. I never played the arcade version, only the version included in SMB3 and SM All-Stars.
However, the version on Nintendo Switch Online is garbage!
Super Mario Bros. 3
Without a doubt, this was the BEST game on the NES! As amazing as SMB1 was, this game dialed everything up to 11!
The varied worlds, the plethora of powerups (the Tanooki Suit being my favourite), the secrets to discover all contributed to making this game so much fun to play again and again!
Surely Nintendo couldn't top this game! Or could they...?
Super Mario Bros. 2
@mariomaestro summed it up well when he said, "The worst SMB game is still better than most of the best games out there."
It's a solid platformer that introduced some staples of the franchise, but it's just so weird! Perhaps it would have been better if the developers had tried to make it a little more like SMB1 (particularly in how Mario fought enemies) instead of just simply swapping skins from another game.
I owned all 3 SMB games growing up, and this one definitely got the least amount of playtime.
Even playing through it again last year, I just wanted to complete it so I could move on to SMB3.
I give it 3.5 stars (but rounded up to 4).
Super Mario Bros.
This was, for me (as I assume it was for many on Channel 3), my introduction to gaming (as a Christmas gift at the age of 5). And there could have been no greater introduction!
This game is superb - it is not an understatement that Nintendo saved video games with this masterpiece (especially compared to what came before it)!
Granted, this isn't the best Mario game (not even of its generation), but it deserves 5 stars, both for saving an industry and for turning so many of us into lifelong gamers!
Thank you, Nintendo and Mario!!!
Duck Hunt
I hate that stupid dog so much…
And yes, I admit, I’d hold the gun against the TV! 😁