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Horizon Zero Dawn
Don't tell me what I can't do!
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
I never got much of a chance to try the Spyro games during the PS1 era, aside from demos on those good old Pizza Hut demo discs. This collection is gorgeous and runs beautifully, and really made me a fan of the Spyro franchise. Here's to hoping we can get a new entry sometime soon.
Mario Kart Wii
The online features of this game alone deserves high praise from me. The map selections are admirable, the Kart customization and characters add depth, and the soundtrack slaps as per usual with Kart games. It's just unfortunate that the online races became filled with hackers so quickly.
Pokémon Crystal
This game is perfect imo. As big a fan as I am of Gold/Silver, this one is a compilation of all the good things from those titles with a shiny new coat of paint and some added other features.
NCAA Football 14
I've always been a huge fan of the NCAA Football franchise, and I'm not even a big sports guy. This game was polished and had great presentation. It's an absolute shame that we haven't had an entry in the series in a decade due to legal disputes, but from what I understand, there is finally a new game coming soon!
Mario Kart: Double Dash
I loved that they tried something different with this entry in the Kart series. The two character per Kart idea is genius, and something I really wish they'd reintroduce to the series. Imagine co-op racing with some of the folks on this site! The characters, tracks, and music impressed as always. I just wish there was a re-release or something similar.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
This is a really great game. I have always been a fan of the GTA series since the first game, but this one stands out. Tons of content and customization options, secrets hidden on the map, and a banger of a soundtrack. The world was huge and fun to explore, and the storyline and characters were intriguing.
Super Mario 3D All-Stars
Pretty cool collection to have on the Switch, and if I remember it right, the only way to play Super Mario Sunshine aside from the Gamecube. It did sort of rub me the wrong way that there was a sort of manufactured intentional shortage of copies of this game. Also, the absence of Galaxy 2 is a bit puzzling.
The Legend of Zelda
Really fun start to a wonderful series. Tons of depth for an NES title. Drawing up maps was super fun, and the soundtrack is so good. It was easy to get lost for sure as a kid. This game deserves its rep as a classic.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
I bought this collection on launch day, and I was so disappointed. The matchmaking just didn't work at all. I would've given it one star at launch. But they have supported the absolute heck out of this game since release, it works amazingly now. They even added ODST and Reach content. The server browser works spectacularly. Now that the servers have been shut down for the Xbox and 360 games, this is the way to play online.
Super Mario Galaxy
I just didn't enjoy this game. I know, I'm insane. I appreciate what Nintendo was trying to do with the new gameplay style and mechanics, but it was just too wild of a departure for me. Also it made me really motion sick, which is my fault, but still.
Resident Evil 4
My favorite resident evil game. Lots more freedom in movement than in previous entries, great new enemies, cool weapons and outfits, and that classic Resident Evil cheesy writing and voice acting. Ashley is a pretty aggravating character, but it gets sort of funny after a while. Especially once you can unlock the suit of armor.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
This is a pretty well regarded title in the Elder Scrolls series. Lots of freedom and customization, great voice acting, and an interesting world and storyline. The only personal issue I've had it with is that for some reason the colors and stuff tend to really give me a headache after a few minutes.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
This is how you do a movie-based game. Granted, Two Towers was also spectacular, but they finished the series right. The movie footage-to-game transitions were pretty cool, co-op was amazing, there were unlockable characters, and some sections of the game were actually fairly challenging. I just wish they could re-release these, but those darn licensing issues.
Super Mario All-Stars
This was a pretty sweet compilation of some of the NES and SNES Mario titles. The NES games received a lot of graphical polish, and they even threw in the Lost Levels game as well. IIRC there was also a cartridge that combined this collection with Super Mario World.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
I can proudly say this is my favorite game in the series. The cel-shading was jarring at first, but I wouldn't have it any other way now. The story, the massive open world, and the characters just come together in the most perfect way. Add in the fun I had connecting the Game Boy Advance via link cable and throwing bombs in front of my buddy while he controlled Link, and that's just the cherry on top.
Halo: Combat Evolved
This is the first game I had my first real LAN party with. The game in itself is awesome but the LAN experience is some of my favorite memories. Dragging all those gigantic heavy TVs into a friend's living rooms, hooking up those bulky Xboxes with their ginormous controllers. Those were the days. And the Flood used to scare me to death!
Pokémon Gold and Silver
I think I could safely say that Pokemon Gold is my favorite mainline series Pokemon game. The introduction of a day/night cycle with certain events happening at specific times on specific days of the week was for some reason amazing to my nerdy little brain.
All kinds of new Pokemon to catch and evolve, too! Then just when you think you've beat the game: back to Kanto!
Super Smash Bros. 64
I was hooked on the idea of this from the very first commercial I saw. Taking all these classic characters from wildly varying types of games and just letting them beat the heck out of each other sounds pretty one-note on paper, but they sure pulled it off. The characters, moves, stages, and soundtrack are all just fantastic. They improved with future entries but this time around they did exactly what they set out to accomplish.
Grand Theft Auto V
Awesome story, great vehicles and weapons, and a really interesting world to explore. I also loved the online mode, but between single player DLC being abandoned and the game itself continuously being re-released for over a decade, I'm itching for a sequel.
Ghost of Tsushima
This game is so beautiful. The story is amazing (and apparently going to become a movie in the near future.)
The combat is so satisfying and the world is fun to explore. Really the only thing I didn't care for was the awful red tint over the multiplayer missions, which I understand was an artistic choice.
Wii Sports
They really hit it out of the ballpark with this one. Probably the first time I ever saw a video game being played at a nursing home, too. The bowling and golf were my personal favorites. Iirc this was bundled in with a lot of the Wii systems so it really became a part of the fabric of our culture at the time.
Mario Kart 64
Obviously this one is a classic. Good cast of characters, great maps, and good music. It hasn't exactly aged well at all unfortunately. And frankly Diddy Kong Racing just did it better on the N64.
Pokémon Stadium 2
This sequel took everything from the first game and dialed it up to 11. Fresh new mini games, more Pokemon, and the ability to transfer from the Gen 2 Game Boy games makes this a worthy successor to the franchise.
Pokémon Stadium
This game was a dream come true for me as a kid. Seeing the Pokemon in a 3d environment was cool, the ability to rent Pokemon to challenge gym leaders was nice, and the ability to use the transfer pak to bring over your own Pokemon from the Game Boy games was just mind-blowing. And don't forget the mini games!
God of War (2005)
Excessively violent, a bit naughty, and fun as heck. The story of violent revenge against the Gods is pretty sweet, but the platforming can be a bit aggravating at times, and I know of at least one part where I trapped myself and the game was saved so I had to restart the whole thing.
This game is so unique and funny at the same time. The puzzles are really creative, and getting trash talked the whole time by Glados is really entertaining. It was a bit of a short game, but still great.
Red Dead Redemption
Bought this one for myself as a high school graduation present. While I did enjoy RDR2 more overall, this is still an amazing game. The story, voice acting, gameplay mechanics, and open world come together to form a perfect Western experience. The online was really fun, and the Undead Nightmare expansion was a pleasant surprise.
Duke Nukem II
Pretty much a polished version of the previous game, with new levels and enemies. But still entertaining enough to give it a shot.
Duke Nukem 3D
1990s: The Game.
Nothing quite like flying your jetpack through the ruined streets of L.A., spouting off cheesy one-liners, fighting mutant pig cops, and saving babes from the alien menace. So many crazy weapons and hidden secrets make this one worth revisiting.
Wolfenstein: The New Order
One of my favorite games. I actually very recently completed it. Gory, vulgar, over-the-top, and I loved every minute of it. Well, aside from the underwater level. The alternate history storyline is compelling, and you get to steamroll through tons of Nazis.
Super Mario Odyssey
This is an awesome choice to play together as a family. It was the first game my son beat (mostly) on his own, I believe. Some inspiration was definitely taken from Mario 64. You get a sentient hat that can possess living creatures so that's a little creepy, but still fun. And there is an absolute ton of content even after the main story is completed.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
There's not much I can say about this game that hasn't already been said.
The classic Zelda series sword-and-shield, puzzle-solving, dungeon-crawling experience arrives on the N64 in all its angular 3D glory.
With great gameplay, a catchy soundtrack, and a loveable cast of characters, there's certainly a number of valid reasons why this is one of the most beloved games of all time. Stepping out into the Hyrule fields for the first time was absolutely amazing. And you can't beat that Gerudo Valley theme.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
A straight up shot of nostalgia. The same classic arcade gameplay is polished and refined to the point of near perfection. Add in the online multiplayer aspect and you've got a wonderful game!
The Last of Us
Started playing this just after my son was born and had to put it down after the prologue! Picked it back up last year and genuinely liked it. The gameplay is understandably similar to the Uncharted series, but the story, characters, and environment make it truly stand apart from other games. Looking forward to giving part 2 a try soon
Rocket Racing
This was a fun addition to the worlds of both Fortnite and Rocket League. Really slick racing gameplay and interesting courses. Just need some more variation in the maps and it'll be even better.
Splatoon 3
This review may change in the future, but as it stands:
This is an enjoyable game with an interesting and colorful world, odd cast of characters, and satisfying gameplay. However...I was a bit taken back by the learning curve for online play, particularly for a Nintendo game. But maybe that's just my skill issue.
Mario Golf: Super Rush
I'll start off by saying I'm atrocious at this game. But I really do enjoy it for the social aspect, the characters, courses, and power ups. Playing with folks from TDG is very fun although I rarely get the chance.
Pac-Man 99
Fairly barebones, has some technical issues, but still a fun concept with the same pacman gameplay we've come to know and love. A very humbling experience as well.
Duke Nukem
Fun game! Fairly basic sidescroller shooter, but was really nice to play at time of release. And it led to the creation of an all-time classic gaming character.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
They really dropped the ball on this one. The plot was fine, the gameplay was pretty solid, but holy smokes. There was no reason for this game to be this short. It felt like a DLC for the first game. And even worse, it ended on an interesting cliffhanger that was wiped from existence when Disney purchased the rights to Star Wars.
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage
This game just screams 1990s. And in a radical way. Up to that point it was by far the best Spider-man based game out there. It did a good job of following the comic plotline it was based on and the beat-em'-up gameplay was just grand.
The Walking Dead
While the gameplay was pretty simplistic point-and-click fare, the story and the voice acting were just top tier. I'm still working my way through season 2 all these years later but season 1 definitely has a huge emotional impact.
Left 4 Dead 2
So many good memories of screaming loudly in the middle of the night when a tank would spawn in, and getting yelled at by my buddys dad for waking him up. Enjoyable cast of characters, great levels and new infected designs, and some real jerks in online lobbies. This game has some serious staying power as well.
Fable III
I really need to go back and give this another try. But I definitely liked the earlier entries more. I think I probably just don't like that the setting was getting too much into modern industrial type stuff and focusing less on heroes. It wasn't a bad game by any means but it was a step in the wrong direction.
Mass Effect 3
I'd give this one 5 stars for the multiplayer alone. I know a lot of folks didn't like that playing the multiplayer boosted your galactic readiness score or whatever it was called but it was so stinking fun. Even a bit scary on the higher difficulties. The single player as usual was phenomenal. You had three games to get attached to all these characters and it really hit you when you'd lose anyone. The DLCs were wonderful as well.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Super super game. Obviously I am biased as a SW fanatic, but it really was good. Good story, saber combat, blade colors, gameplay, voice acting, etc. Really, the biggest drawbacks for me were that the customization of outfits was mainly limited to ponchos, and that the amount of backtracking on planets was a bit frustrating.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
Just straight up awful. They doubled down on the weird cover shooting mechanics they did in the previous game and just killed the entire spirit of the series. I imagine it had something to do with games like Gears of War being at the height of popularity at the time of release, but it was not the right decision for a Harry Potter game. That being said, it was always bound that the last two games would focus more on action than exploration as that was how the films went too.
Dead Island
I had a good time with this game. The weapons were fun, the atmosphere was enjoyable, and the online aspect was a treat for the most part. Eventually it just turned into higher level players with modded saves wrecking the games economy, but that was fun for a little while. It's too bad they followed up with Riptide, which was essentially an entire game based in the flooded jungle/sewer environments that were my least favorite part of the first game.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1
Up until this game, they'd really only had a misstep with Goblet of Fire. Not sure who made the choice to turn this into a cover based shooter, but it wasn't the right choice.
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Although I prefer the second game, this one was still very charming. I hadn't played the X-Wing or TIE games prior to this, and it was a novel concept getting to control all these different starships in a 3d world. It's a bit rough to go back to these days but for the time it was released, it was pretty sweet.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Excellent title. Had a compelling story, wonderful characters, and interesting gameplay. It's one of those games I tend to go back and replay every couple years. I will say I hated the Rakghouls as a kid.
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Really enjoyable experience. This game blew my mind when I was a kid because I'd yet to have played F-Zero or any of the similar high speed racing games. I especially enjoyed the version of this game that they had in arcades. They did make a sequel, but I didn't get to play it much.
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection
I know this remastered collection has gotten plenty of negative press. I guess I was lucky for the most part because it's run really smoothly for me. Loving the updated visuals and online play. Not sure why they changed the loading screen sound on BF1. Some minor glitches now and then but still having a blast.
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
I'll be honest, I'm a big Pirates fan and always have been. That being said, I really don't understand why this game was even made. Compared to the other Lego Franchises this one definitely was an odd one out.
Lego Marvel's Avengers
Not nearly as good as Lego Marvel Superheroes, but still good. Being contained to the MCU it was missing a lot of heroes such as the X-Men and Fantastic Four, but it was still a solid game. Surprised they haven't followed it up to cover the more recent MCU films.
Lego Marvel Superheroes
I *love* this game. Played it to 100% completion with my son's mom when was pregnant with him and stuck on the couch. Got to do it again with my son a few years later and it was just as special. Lots of deep pull references to Marvel Comics, good controls and gameplay.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Not too very different from the first game, but they kept doing the right things. Another banging soundtrack and some impressive level designs.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Really solid game with a great soundtrack. Little bit barebones looking back on it but it was perfect for a weekend video store rental at the time.
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
I lived and breathed these rhythm games back in the day. Especially this one. It has an excellent setlist, good gameplay, and the new multiplayer modes were great. Plus you can play as Slash!
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
I was bound to love these remakes/remasters. They're beautiful, have the same great gameplay, and the addition of newer mechanics were wonderful.
Fable II
First game I ever preordered, with a paycheck from my first job. It took everything about the first game and improved on it. So much freedom of choice, much more depth, same type of amazing soundtrack and British humor. And you get a doggy! Plus the Pub Games arcade game you got as a preorder bonus was sweet too.
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
This one was spectacular, just like the previous game. As a spin-off, it was shorter for sure but was appropriately priced. Same great gameplay, new moves, good story, plenty of suits.
Dont really know what it was about this one. Tons of fanfare before release, and it just felt like a shallow mishmash of several other better games. And glitchy as all get out.
Pokémon Red and Blue
Where it all began. I really can't say how many times I've played through these games, but as a youngster the depth blew my mind. Especially for a handheld game. I find something new every time I replay them.
Decent game. Has obvious influences from Pokemon, Minecraft, a couple Zelda games, etc. My boy and I had a blast with it for about a week but decided to revisit it once it becomes more stable.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
This one is gonna go down as a classic. Innovative level design, the Wonder Flower is a cool gimmick, the online aspect is nice, and the game is a decent length. Plus you can't beat having a couple characters who can't die as easily.
Battlefield 3
Absolute gem of a game. Gorgeous graphics, top notch sound design, and spot-on gameplay balance put this one near the top of my all-time favorite game list. The maps and level destruction are spectacular as well.
Hogwarts Legacy
While I did have a fun time playing as a sociopathic teenaged wizard murdering people and creatures left and right, and blaming their death on Ranrok, I do really wish they'd produced DLC or a New Game Plus. mode.
Saints Row (2022)
This thing makes the Atari E.T. game look like Ocarina of Time by comparison. I still cannot fathom this getting released while looking and playing like a subpar PS2 game.
Marvel Snap
This is one of the very few mobile games I've ever truly enjoyed. The gameplay loop is endlessly fun, the presentation is outstanding, and I never felt like I needed to spend any actual money to get cards that I wanted.
Id give Fortnite a four-star review previously, but now that my son and I play together, i felt like it warranted the extra star. Microtransactions aside, I feel like it's an excellent first shooter for parents and kids to enjoy together. The collaborations are crazy, and watching my kids face light up when we win is incredible.
Lego Dimensions
Got this as a Christmas gift one year and loved it ever since. The only drawback is that the toys-to-life fad died out and people charge exorbitant prices for secondhand characters and levels.
Tony Hawk's Underground
Such an amazing game. Story mode, you can get off your board, another great soundtrack. Too bad the best friend character was such a butthead.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 2018 was one of my favorite all-time games. This one almost alllllmost hits it right on the mark, but it seemed to go by a little too quickly.
Sea of Thieves
I really wanted to like this game, but it just doesn't click for me. Maybe since I didn't have any friends to play with.
Pokémon Yellow
I was a huge fan of the anime at the time this was released, and it blew my mind that they could take Red and Blue and actually improve them. The colors, the tie ins to the anime, it all just worked.
Kingdom Hearts
A combination of Disney and Final Fantasy seems ridiculous, but it works so so well. The story of the series gets a little hard to keep up with for sure.
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Really solid game. Everything you could ask for in a Batman game. And you can't forget Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill!
Battlefield 2042
Glitchy, dull, seemed like it was far easier to die than in previous entries. But I do hear they've made some improvements.
Pokémon Legends Arceus
Just really couldn't get into this one. It just seemed really empty and dull. I do appreciate the concept but I know they can do it better.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Super fun and chill game. Well, chill aside from having to worry that racoons will break your kneecaps in an alleyway if you can't make your loan payment on time.
Among Us
Really fun to play with family and friends, but the youngsters online really killed this one for me.
Super Mario 64
The transition to 3d was mind-blowing. And to top it off, it has excellent gameplay and soundtrack.
World of Warcraft
I didn't get high speed Internet until about 2010, so I missed out on the heyday. I will say I was never a fan of how it seemed to take over the lives of some people I knew.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Nothing quite so fun as running around Mos Espa killing all the essential characters. It was a real ugly looking game, even at release, but I love it.
Red Dead Redemption 2
Incredibly immersive atmosphere, spectacular story, great graphics and sound design. I bought the game on release date and *still* haven't beaten it because I keep getting distracted. It's a shame they stopped really updating the online mode.
I might be a little salty about the fact that my ex was always better at this than I was.
Really fun game with seemingly unlimited options for creativity. I only give it four instead of five stars because my kid burnt me out on it, and I cant seem to get back into it because theres so much new stuff to learn.
Possibly the most hours I ever put into a game. Loved the characters and map designs, didn't care for how salty people were in competitive mode.
It's definitely a good thing they never made a far inferior sequel with a battle pass that overwrote the first game and made it unplayable :)
Star Wars Battlefront (2015)
Spectacular graphics and sound design. Not sure why they excluded the prequel trilogy, though. I imagine they had to rush to release before Episode 7 hit theaters.
Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)
Watch those wrist rockets!
Excellent game for anybody who likes Star Wars and still holds up to this day. Playable heroes, movie clips, content from Episode 3 just as it released on DVD. Probably in my top 10 fave games.
Super Mario Bros. 3
I can say this is probably the only game I've played where you're literally running from the sun.
Super fun, super addictive, great level design and music.
My son made me play this thing soooo much with him while growing up. There are a few fun games on it, if you make sure to turn off the text chat and watch your kid like a hawk to make sure they don't somehow manage to buy Vbucks from the incessant popups.
Monster Bash
Nothing quite like slingshotting monsters to death in your pajamas. And you get to rescue cute animals! Don't really remember why monsters were kidnapping critters...but the soundtrack is awesome!
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
I love this game! Really don't have a ton to say about it but it's super fun playing as this freaky looking little fella with suction cup hands. Levels were very interesting as well as colorful.
Halo Infinite
Pretty solid game. Never delved into the campaign but I did enjoy the multiplayer. Though not as much as Halo 1-Reach.
Soooo much to collect. Funny, charming, great soundtrack. Not sure what they were thinking with the follow-up game.
One of my faves of all time. Great music, wonderful atmosphere and humor, and lots of freedom.
Final Fantasy VIII
This game gets a lot of flak, some of it deservedly so. But it's my favorite FF game. Excellent (but slightly convoluted) story, mostly likeable characters, cool cg cutscenes that blew my mind back in the day. Junction system was a weird choice.
Pokémon GO
This is the game that got me to remember that I actually enjoy going outside. Fond memories of pushing my son around town in his stroller while playing during the year it was released.
Diddy Kong Racing
Gotta say this was probably the superior Kart racer on the N64. Between the adventure mode and the battle mode, the different modes of travel, and the map design and music, I can't say there's much that could be improved. Some of those bosses straight up cheated, though!
Call of Duty: World at War
Probably my favorite CoD. The campaign was amazing, multiplayer was super fun, and zombies was absolutely wild. One of my favorite things to do is play campaign on the highest difficulty and see how long I can survive the constant AI grenade spamming.
Assassin's Creed
The game itself is very enjoyable, and was pretty impressive technically as well, at the time. However, it's difficult to go back and enjoy these days due to how repetitive the game gets, along with the terrible camera and some wonky controls.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Haven't played this one since I beat it upon release. I do remember it being wayyyy weaker than the previous entries, both in length and gameplay.
Super Mario World
This game is amazing, even by modern standards. Way ahead of its time. Tons of replayability, and it looks and sounds great in my opinion.