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Super Mario RPG (2023)
daddyMANG Rosey
Father. Gamer. Rocket League is life. NJCAAE Spring 2023 National Champion Madison College "Wolfpack" Titletown eSports Professional Caster
This game is what Pokémon should have always been. The child in you will love it. The adult in you will love it. Your friends and children will love it. It's the best of several genres put together. Go play it, and enjoy!
UFC 2009 Undisputed
This game came out when I was getting settled into my first (and final) duty station on Active Duty Army. I made a bunch of friends in my Company when I absolutely trounced our Sergeant First Class, who had been destroying all of the privates one at a time 😂
Pokémon Snap
Honestly one of my favorite games of all time. Loved trading found secrets the next day at school, after renting this from Family Video (the Midwest Blockbuster). A time before YouTube... Imagine
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Blows my mind this hasn't received a next-gen update, remake, or reboot. They don't make them like this anymore. Truly.
Vampire Survivors
Weirdly addicting, impressive what it can handle without dropping frames, constant influx of new content... Looks like a mindless mobile game but don't be fooled! There's lots of micro strategy to be found here.
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Admittedly I got lost a few times because I'm navigationally challenged without a walkthrough, but the humor in this game is S-tier.
Hotline Miami
This game is totally awesome! Phenomenal OST, unique top-down gameplay that inspired a ton of clones, and a minimalist plot that is intriguing. It's a must-try!
Pokémon Quest
Honestly one of the best mobile games I've ever played. This game surprised me. Loved the unique art style and including only the original 151 Pokémon!
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The amount of playable characters is the highlight, and the cooperative play. Honestly though, every aspect shined. Long overdue for a remake/remaster
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
I played this a ton when I was a kid but never made it very far. I think it deserves a next-gen remaster/reboot, what's better than flying star wars spacecraft around? Squadrons and Battlefront are too PvP heavy for my taste, this is what they need to get back to.
Gauntlet Legends
The graphics and navigation are somewhat abysmal, but the nostalgia is strong with this one.
I love this game. Why only 1 star you say? The Overcooked All you can Eat edition is out now. GO PLAY THAT INSTEAD!!!
Marble Blast Ultra
An absolute underrated gem. Before this game, it was all Mario Kart this, or Halo and Call of Duty that... I played this and it really opened my eyes to trying new games. Xbox live arcade games definitely started my love for unique indie games, which they've continued with Xbox Gamepass.
Easily one of the best games ever made. 11/10, phenomenal experience that blew me away
Super Mario Galaxy 2
What everyone else said. In my opinion, one of the most enjoyable platforming games in existence.