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Tyler Stevens Rosey
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Max Payne
Final Fantasy VII
Battlefield Vietnam
Marvel's Spider-Man (2018)
Fun game, with a ton of stuff to do. The story was solid and the controls felt great. Overall it was a really good game. I didn't care to much for the MJ missions but they weren't very long and there weren't many of them to complete.
Max Payne
Great game, with a fun but typical story line. Bullet time was really cool to see and made the game play that much better.
Blade and Sorcery
Fun VR game if you enjoy hacking and slashing NPCs in a gory fashion. It can be mundane but the mods that have been added over time spice it up a bit.
Hogwarts Legacy
So, I wanted to like this game. The open world aspect was really fun and the music was great.
I did not like the story. Super boring to me. The battle/fighting was really clunky. Every once in a while you could get a nice combo going and it felt good. Most of the time it was waiting for an action to finish before being able to block or throw something back at the enemy. The characters were less than impressive with the exception of the Swallows.
Battlefield Vietnam
Great follow up to 1942. I played this game so much I ended up joining a team and played a few tournaments. We always lost but I had a great time playing.
God of War (2018)
Played through this recently as I have never played any other GoW. It was a really good game and I like Norse mythology. Everything about the game was positive and the story is good but it felt like it could have had more.
Hotline Miami
Super fun game that you can just pick up and play. It can be challenging at times too. Great soundtrack that really gets you into the game.
Mafia III
I enjoy the Mafia series and this one is no slouch. It is everything you would expect as the 3rd game in the series. The controls, graphics, gameplay and audio were all improved upon. Mafia 3 has a great sound track too. The story wasn't bad and depending on how you shared the territories allowed for new perks. I tried to share them as evenly as possible.
NASCAR Racing (1994)
This game was fun for those who like NASCAR. If you didn't this game was pure garbage. I completed a few 2 or 3 hundred lap races, which was a cool option to have in the game. Also driving backwards was surprisingly fun.
First played this in the arcade and ended up getting it for the SNES. Multiplayer is a lot of fun to play with friends and you really do have to find the best way to keep your walls up around your cannons. It can be hard to come back after you are down a few cannons to your opponent. It's not pretty and you move along each square so the controls are straight forward.
Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage
I am a big fan of Guts and the Berserk animes. This game was actually pretty dang hard and your sprite buddy quite annoying. Overall is was challenging but times where you would just wreck everyone.
Brutal Sports Football
Such a unique game. When a friend and I played it, we couldn't put it down. I think we ended up never really scoring but just fighting each other. If you kill the other team off you win. If you tie, you literally have sudden death where you don't score point, you just try to decapitate the other team.
Overwatch 2
First time playing OW and so far I am enjoying it. I like the roles aspect but I think its best played with a team that communicates well.
NHL 2k4 has to be the best one of the 2K series. I don't know if it was just the time of my life or what but this game was a blast.
Elden Ring
Such an awesome game. Its still pretty hard but there is enough to do in other areas that you can grind out a few levels before going back. I have yet to beat the game but have well over 30 hours into it and loving every second.
I rented this one from the local blockbuster and I don't think I came out of my room that entire weekend. Super fun and challenging game.
Mafia II
Such a good game. Great, but predictable story. Good gameplay mechanics. Solid game.
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
This was a pretty fun game to play with friends and even the wives. Eventually it became too repetitive but it was fun while it lasted.
Days of Thunder
One of my favorite movies, even though this game was pretty bad, I still have love for it.
Alan Wake
This was a surprisingly fun game. It had some creepy elements, nothing crazy. It felt good and had a solid story to go along with it.
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
My favorite DD game. My friends and I would always run home from school to play this until my parents made me do my homework.
Double Dragon (1987)
Probably my favorite 2nd side scroller from my childhood. It was a solid series throughout too.
What a fun game driving "jeeps" and blowing up stuff. It would be cool if they did a remake for this or even added it to the NES collection.
L.A. Noire
Solid game, with a great story. I wish they would bring out more of these. I liked interrogating people and the little quirks they give to provide you with more details was cool.
Thunder in Paradise
Oh my goodness. This game is pure gold! The story is pretty bad and the game play is just meh. The acting is down right hilarious! Seeing the step by step kid and Hulk Hogan acting in a video game is nothing I thought I would ever see. I would love to see a behind the scenes of making this game.
I ended up playing this online with my PS2. Is was fun and kinda cool getting that online multiplayer experience on a console before it was normal. It seemed to have a cult like following too.
Silly but somewhat enjoyable game to waste some time on. My buddies and I would use this as a warm up sort of speak. Its easy to pick up and just play, nothing to complicated about it.
The Chessmaster (1989)
I had this game on my Gamegear and would play it a lot on road trips. I was never very good at it, but I did learn how to play chess.
Heavy Rain
This game was a lot of fun. It really added a new level of gaming I feel. I know there are games out there where the ending is effected by your actions but this takes it to another level.

If you are not very good at the game, everything bad will happen and the killer will get away as what happened in my wifes play through. I was able to save everyone and the endings were much much different.
Battlefield 1942
The early Battlefield games were the best. My buddies and I spent days playing the Wake Island demo. The controls felt great, the vehicles, everything. This game was top notch in its day.
Super fun VR game. Its fun trying to act like Mr. Wick. You can work up a sweat too.
This game is so tricky. My buddy setup a server and we played quite a bit of. Then we would go to bed. We would hop on the next day to all over our stuff destroyed or stolen. It was fun for a bit but eventually it wore off and it became annoying.
Soulcalibur II
I liked the game, the addition of some video game characters was nice to see. Overall good fighting game that you can play again and again.
Civilization VI
Fun RTS game but something about it didn't feel like a traditional Civ game. It wasn't bad but the previous iterations were certainly better.
Civilization V
Very fun in depth RTS game. I spent WAY too many hours playing this game. I did enjoy almost every minute of it.
Worms Armageddon
My favorite Worms game. I used to play this game with classmates during our computer class.
Time Commando
There is so much love and hate with this game. The controls, story and overall game play were garbage. Why I give it the stars I do is the memories I have surrounding this game with friends.
Super C
This is by far my favorite Contra game. When I think of Contra, this is what I think of!
Well done RTS game that became my favorite. A game I was actually good at and my buddy and I used to rock people all the time in this game. Not just in the BGH maps but the natural maps too.
WWF Royal Rumble
Loved this game! The intro music when you select your wrestler was a cool touch. I feel this game was during the height of the WWF but maybe thats because I was a kid when this game came out. Regardless it great. I remember about 8 or 9 years ago my wife, buddies and I were driving to FL to go on a cruise. On the way down my buddy and I sat in the back, on a laptop, playing this game on a ROM with our USB SNES controllers.
Mortal Kombat 11
I really like what X did and 11 continued. The straight up horrific ways to kill someone. It was great!
Pokémon GO
I haven't touched a Pokemon game in a long time. This was a pretty cool and fun concept. It has it moments where I play on and off for a few weeks and then I don't touch it for months.
Persona 4
I never really got into these games but a friend made me watch some play through and I was kinda hooked after that.
Grim Fandango
Really fun point and click game with good humor. Fun story. I had to get it again when it came out on PS Plus.
Bushido Blade
This game was great. I really enjoyed how "realistic" it was where you could die from one hit. The technique used made all the difference in what you were defending against.
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Very good RTS game for the time. It was a blast to play with friends and was one of the first multiplayer PC games my friends and I played over the LAN. I ended up getting the edition too so I could play against other people. Ended realizing I am not really that good.
Sneak King
Another BK game, but this one was pretty good actually. I never knew the King had such great dance moves either.
PocketBike Racer
I was very confused that BK was putting out games. I just had to try it. I would say for a fast food chain to attempt this, I have to give respect. The games wasn't horrible and was entertaining for a bit.
Link: The Faces of Evil
I was super excited to buy and play this game. I remember buying it and my friends coming over to check out the new Zelda game. Wow, did things turn when we started playing this game.
The animation, voice acting was downright hilarious. The story was really goofy and the characters you meet along the way were pretty funny too.

Overall the gameplay wasn't all that bad but there were some weird mechanics to the game that I didn't care for, like accessing your items could only be done if you were crouching.
Mystic Midway: Rest in Pieces
Dr. Death my old friend. This was the first game we had for the CD-I. Fun carnival style game that got really really hard the more you advanced. I never could beat it either.
ABC Sports Presents: The Palm Springs Open
I spent many days hitting trees or slicing balls in this game. Before I ever knew anything about how to golf. The live animation and commentary was pretty cool, except when you heard " He hit a tree, he hit a tree!". That got a bit annoying.
Mystic Midway: Phantom Express
Mystic Midway was such a strange game. You road on a roller coaster and shot at different enemies/targets for points. Dr. Death always had some snarky comment to make about killing me or not getting out alive.
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
My first experience in an RTS game and I was hooked! Fun game, very addictive, loved all the lore that went into this series over the years.
Diablo II
By far the best Diablo game ever created. They took what made D1 awesome (music, voice acting, story, graphics, etc.) and took it to the next level. was much improved, but what the hell does that gem do?!?!?!
What an amazing game and so much fun. The voice acting, music, level design was great. I wish there were more characters at the time but that would be the only negative thing I could come up with.
Twisted Metal
Super fun game that only got better with the 2nd one. These types of gritty games are what drove me to the PS over the 64.
Twisted Metal 2
Such a great game. Playing through co-op or just destroying each other. I really liked the Paris map too.
The Jackbox Party Pack 2
Pretty fun party game. We actually played this game a few times when no one was around each other during Covid. It helped reconnect with people and friends.
Diddy Kong Racing
They tried to wedge their way into the MK world. They did a good job but still not as good as Mario Kart.
Mario Party Superstars
Pretty good Mario Party game. I like having a lot of the previous mini games in this one. It would be cool if they keep adding the old games with updates.
No Man's Sky
I ran into a lot of issues early on with this game, as did many others. I came back to it later on and it was fun but the excitement wore off due to the buggy launch.
Mortal Kombat
This may have been my first fighting game I played. I had to play it at a friends house because my parents heard about this game and refused to buy it for me.
Shadowrun was a fun weird game that had shamans and assassins, talking dogs and dragons! It was a fun RPG on the SNES that I bought on a whim and it turned out great. I really enjoy the futuristic type of world this was set in.
Oh what you could have been. Destiny had a huge chance to become something amazing with the way Bungie was talking you up. Then the season passes and pay walls came about and completely ruined you.
This first game was a lot of fun. I played quite a bit online weekly getting in my raids and finding Xur. I just wish the series got better.
Hitman 3
Hitman series is a lot of fun. Agent 47 is no joke! I always liked the weird ways you can find to assassinate someone.
Guitar Hero Live
I liked the live music video aspect to this game. I ended up playing mostly the live option and just jammed out to music video after music video.
Tekken 3
My favorite Tekken game was between this one and tag. I played in a few local Tekken 3 tournaments and it was a super fun fighting game. I never did well but I enjoyed it just the same.
Tekken 2
A much needed improvement over the first one. Really fun fighting game, probably my favorite out of the genre.
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
I really like the pirate life and this game didn't disappoint. Good story, and gameplay. The singing on the boat really tied it all together.
StarCraft II
One of the greatest RTS games of all time! Super fun playing online and with friends. One of the last games I went to the store to buy at midnight.
Oh yes! I always tried to play this game seriously and ending up using cheat codes to make the greatest city known to sims!
Loved this game so much as a kid. My cousins let my brothers and I borrow for our Master System one weekend and I think that was the first time I stayed up all night playing a video game.
Resident Evil 4
I liked how they evolved the "zombies" in this game. Fun story and it looked good. The addition or the merchant was something that RE needed.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Sam Fisher was the generic Snake.Splintercell was a fun espionage game that I probably played way to much run and gun.
Crazy Taxi
Such a wild game I only got to play in the arcade. I never made it very far but a cool concept on a "racing" game.
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Such a classic RTS. Super fun, that took a little more time and strategy than warcraft and starcraft. Thankfully not like Civ games.
I really enjoyed this game. The combat, story and being able to explore the world was really fun. There were some mundane tasks but they were thankfully short lived.
Suikoden II
My second favorite RPG on the Playstation, next to FF7. This story was a lot of fun, building and maintaining a castle was something I spent a lot of time on.
Such an underrated series! I never played the first game when it came out. I played the 2nd one and went back tonplay this. I'm glad I did, it was a solid RPG.
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Interesting take having two characters you can swap between. Only played it a couple times but overall a solid MK.
Hot Shots Golf
My first introduction into a golf game. It was fun but with all golf games I play it a lot in the beginning and then never touch it again.
Disco Elysium
This game is so interesting and addictive. I bought it on a steam sale and couldn't put it down.
Among Us
I tried to like it but I couldn't. I didn't get to play with friends so maybe I would feel differently if I did.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Another fun GTA game with a new story. I liked the map in San Andreas probably the most, besides GTA 5. Rockstar has always pushed the boundaries and this one is no exception.
Grand Theft Auto IV
Same GTA with upgrade graphics from the previous. The story was so so for me but its GTA so I loved it!
Grand Theft Auto
The game that changed history. This is where it all began. I had a demo disc of the game and couldn't put it down. It was a timed demo so I only could play it for so long. My parents wouldn't buy me the full version. Maybe thats a good thing.
Gears of War 2
Gears 2 felt just as good as 1 but the story went weird on me. I liked the gameplay a lot and did enjoy the game. I still have to say #1 is better.
Final Fantasy VIII
FF8 hard such a rough time when it was released. It was the next title to come out after one of the greatest games of all time. It was fun and I enjoyed the story but it just didn't feel like I wanted it to. I wanted a FF7.5. With FF7 aside, this truly was a good game and is certainly a top 5 FF game of all time.
I never enjoyed F-Zero. I love racing games but its hard for me to get into these futuristic racing games. It did play well but to me it was meh.
Duke Nukem 3D
Duke was a fun game to play growing up. The attitude or suggestive actions in this game made me enjoy that much more.
Dynasty Warriors 2
Who didn't love hacking their way through hordes of armies. Me and a buddy played these together a lot and I know we had a blast playing.
Detroit: Become Human
Really fun story. I enjoyed Heavy Rain on the PS4 and this one as well. I did run into a few issues with the camera angles but they did allow you to adjust it by clicking R1 or R2 to get a different view. Otherwise its great!
Dark Souls III
Souls 3, amazing game. Probably my favorite thus far in the series. Elden Ring is next on my play list so I may need to come back and update this.

This game took the best parts of 1 and 2 and combined it into one. It was unforgiving like 1 but it looked and felt great like 2. The combat mechanics surpassed was 2 did, which is why its my favorite to date.
Cyberpunk 2077
I really enjoyed Cyberpunk. It looked amazing and luckily I didn't really run into any bugs when playing on PC. The story was fun but I think the controls could have been polished a little more.
Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
Fun game to waste some time in. After playing this, it feels like you can restore a car on your own in a weekend. It does take a little time to upgrade to certain enhancements which can be a little bit of a grind.
I remember how much of a pain this game was. I liked the what the series became and I am glad they improved upon this one.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I spent waaaayy to much time online getting to prestige. I really enjoyed the online play and this was back when I was fairly decent at video games. The way this game felt was so smooth.
Call of Duty
Absolutely amazing. I loved everything about this game. It took Medal of Honor to a whole new level.
Blade Runner
Oh my. I tried playing these point and click type games back when I was kid and I struggled bad. I really like the story and the style of game. The world you explored was pretty cool for the time as well.
Assassin's Creed II
I enjoyed this more than the first. Maybe due to the time period this took place but it felt better and I thought the voice acting, goofy at times, was better overall.
Assassin's Creed
I really liked the stealth aspect, even though I got caught a lot. It was fun for the time and it certainly has a weird but somewhat interesting story.
Apex Legends
It was fun in the beginning but just as every other Battle Royale is because quite unexciting.
Overcooked 2
Challenging game but its fun to play co-op with friends and family. You learn real quick how important communication is.
Pokémon Red and Blue
I never owned a Gameboy but I did play red with an emulator. It was a pretty enjoyable game. And yeah Bulbasaur was awesome.
Command & Conquer
C&C was a really fun RTS game. The video cut-scenes made the game feel that much cooler when I was a kid. I don't think it holds up as well as some other RTS games do. One con I have is, why is the unit supply limit so low!!!
Such a classic Friday, pizza, pop, friends getting annoyed with one another kind of night game.
Ghost of Tsushima
I am still playing through this game and love all of it. The game is visually amazing, it feels great and the combat is really fun to hack and slash through hordes of Mongols. This is certainly on my top 10 list of all time.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
This is the first Uncharted game I played and loved every second of it. I love a good story and fun game play. It was very "action packed" from start to end.

Nathan Drake > Indiana Jones.
The Last of Us: Part II
I am sure someone will not like this review but the story was to predictable, slow and boring. Just blah. The game looked amazing and it felt really good but I need something to hook me and this doesn't do it. I apologize if I have hurt your feelings.
Portal 2
The game had some challenging puzzles but it was to repetitive for me to push through to the end.
Resident Evil
This is the first PS game I ever saw. It is a really fun and creepy game. I swear those dogs jumping through the window never scared me...

The controls were a bit wonky and the voice acting could have used some polishing but overall it was a solid game.
Metal Gear Solid
I really enjoyed playing this game. So much so that my text notification is the same one used for the radio in the game. I never could be sneaky so I always have my trusty cardboard box on stand-by.
Grand Theft Auto V
This is the best GTA game to date. Just like with other Rockstar games of this nature, there is always something fun to do. My friends and I have spent countless nights completing missions, racing, golfing and just plain goofying around.

Granted this game is not for everyone as it has some mature subject matter but if you can separate reality from virtual and you like a little mayhem, then don't hesitate to play this game.
Red Dead Redemption 2
This is a game of the year type of game. The story draws you in and the world keeps you interested. There is so much to do and see in this game. Easily a 100+ hour worthy game.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Amazing game! I remember playing the first Zelda game on the NES when I was a kid. Yes, the cartridge was "gold" too. To see the change between BoTW and Legend of Zelda is pretty crazy when you think about it. BoTW takes Zelda to an entirely new level, quite literally too. I'm excited for the next one to come out but I am glad there is so much to do in this one, I have something to keep me busy until that happens.
Final Fantasy
It was hard for me to get into RPGs when I was first playing on the NES. I tried it and I remember I didn't like it and never touched another FF game until 7.
Spent way too much money at the arcade playing this game with my friends. The wild shots, dunks and the commentary were classic and added to the fun we had.
Wii Sports
Solid game to play with everyone. Parents, grandparents, little kids, etc. It did get boring after awhile but a solid family game.
Mario Golf: Super Rush
Its a fun game to play with friends and the story mode certainly makes single player more enjoyable. I think most would agree the online play is where its at.
Mass Effect
I tried to like this game. I heard about how ME 2 was a great game so I figured I would start at the beginning of the story. Well, I finished this game and never played a ME game since. The controls were horrendous! I felt like there was this grind when playing this game that shouldn't exist.
Gears of War
Cover-based shooters where always meh to me, but this one did it so well I couldn't put it down. Single player was a lot of fun, and the co-op aspect I really like to see in games.
The Oregon Trail
This game made our computer lab class even better. Granted they were green screen Macs, I always remember it being a lot of fun.
Mario Kart 8
Thanks to TDG for getting me back into MK. I bought my switch and MK 8 came with it. At this point I think I bought MK 8 and got a free switch.
Dark Souls II
Everything about this game is an improvement over the first. It feels much better, the graphics, story, gameplay as a whole feel more natural. The only downside, if you can call it that is the game doesn't seem as difficult as the first one.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Amazing game, the soundtrack is one of the best all time. The people you meet and the carnage is second to none. I really hope Rockstar takes us back to Vice City soon.
Blades of Steel
My first introduction into Hockey games and they stuck with me ever since. It certainly shined a light on the sport that wasn't as popular at the time.
I first started playing when Microsoft jumped in. Its a lot of fun building and exploring. It did get a little monotonous over time.
Grand Theft Auto III
This changed GTA as we know from that top down to right in the middle of it. I was able to buy this over Christmas vacation and spent the next 2 weeks cruising Liberty City! This game really did pave the way for similar games like this and refreshed the series.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Fun game to play with friends but there is a steep learning curve if you want to be good. If you are bad at the game like me then, your button mashing skills will be put to the test.
Tomb Raider II
Really good TR game. The missions were challenging and who didn't have fun running around the house.
Perfect Dark
There are people who say Golden eye is better and those who say Perfect is Better. All I know is this was just as much fun as Golden eye. I couldn't be the only one to hide in the bathroom with the farsight right?
Kingdom Hearts
I never knew much about Disney until this game came out. The FF aspect is what pulled me and it didn't disappoint.
Super Mario Bros. 3
I had a lot of fun playing this game growing up. I thought I was cool when I was able to get to the end of the game rather quickly with using the whistle/flute.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
I still this game but I wouldn't call it a remake. I think there is enough different between this and the original for it to be something else. Regardless it looked great, it felt great and the story didn't deviate too much to ruin it.
Diablo III
Diablo 3, oh what you could have been. The art style was a little to anime/kid like for me. It didn't feel like a true Diablo game. The music/ambiance didn't suck you in like in previous games.
R.B.I. Baseball
Such a classic baseball game. One of the few NES games that I could just pick up and play at any time and have fun doing it.
Guitar Hero II
I have never been able to play the guitar so whats the next best option? Rocking out in a video with a guitar!
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
This is one of my favorite SNES games. The art/animation for its time I really enjoyed. When it came out in the Switch SNES app, of course I had to play through it again.
Battlefield 2
I spent many nights online getting wrecked by people in BF2. It felt really really good and I liked the size of most of the maps. The design of all of them were really well done.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
I love this series and this game kicks it off from the start. It is almost like you are playing a really great action movie. I really enjoyed the story as Sir Francis Drake is a very interesting historical figure for me.
Super Smash Bros. 64
This is the smash I remember. So much fun playing with friends but I sucked as bad as I do now back then.
Kirby's Adventure
I think this is the first game I bought with my own money I earned. I ended up beating it the same weekend, but I did have fun.
Super Mario World
This is my favorite Mario game to do. Maybe I am nostalgic now but I spent hours upon hours playing this game. I re-played it again when it came out on the switch. The style and board design were not to difficult but there was a challenge from time to time.
Rocket League
I first played this on my ps4 when it was free. Spent a good amount of time the first few months of the release playing and leveling up. I never could keep up with the highly skilled players so I ended up shelving it. Overall its a fun game.