All Roads Lead to Rome
Connect two cities with a road
Beginning of the End
Win a game in single-player mode
Town Management
Utilize adjacency bonuses
A New Empire
Reach the maximum settlement level
Mine Now!
Capture an enemy city
6 Wonders and Me
Build 6 wonders in your capital
Counter Expansion
Eliminate the Romans from the province
Control every city on the map
Kill an enemy king
Unlock every research in a single game
And They Shall Yield!
Win a single-player campaign
Win a game without building a settler
Change of Management
Recruit a unit of Legionaries
King of All Kings
Rank up your king
Come At Me!
Have Hadrian's Wall and City Walls built in a settlement
Have all elite units alive
Look At Me, I Am The Romans Now
Have both "Imperial" and "Roman" policy active
No Deal!
Plunder an enemy trader
War Expenses
Achieve an income above 100
Seems Pretty Flat to Me
Explore the entire map
Not the Messenger!
Kill an enemy unit of Settlers
They Call Us Barbarians
Choose "Barbarian" policy as the Germanic King
Came for a Good Time Not a Long Time
Win a game in under 10 turns
Fall of Rome
Kill a Roman legion
Create 50 settlements
First to Fall
Win a game in multiplayer mode
The Holy Grail
In a multiplayer match, capture and control a religious site for the entire game
Long Live the King
Win a game in multiplayer as the Britons
Kiting Mastery
Win a game in multiplayer as the Huns
Enemy of My Enemy
In a multiplayer match, have 100 relations with the Romans
Rulers from the Silk Road
Win a game in multiplayer as the Persians
Harassment Tactics
Win a game in multiplayer as the Berbers
Siege Supremacy
Win a game in multiplayer as the Arabs
Barbarian King
Win a game in multiplayer as the Germans
Recruit 10 peasant militia in a single game
Defensive Strategies
Win a game in multiplayer as the Bulgars
Chivalry Ain't Dead
Win a game in multiplayer as the Franks
One-Man Army
Win a game without recruiting any military units