wiscomaskco (@wiscomaskco)
Mask maker, Juggalo, Metal Alternative, Screamer, Cat lover, 💜Jynx ⚰️
Music choices
"Various juggalo artists, ICP, Ouija Macc, Darby O Trill, Mushroomhead, Faith no More, Slipknot, Gwar, $uicideboy$, Mudvayne, Fear Factory, The Agony Scene, Limp Bizkit, VentanA, Veil Of Maya, Primus, Gorillaz, 100 Gecs. I listen to music all day long. Too many bands to name "
What is your favorite fighting game?
"Grew up playing this on my game cube, between the massive character selection, and mini games. Its unbeatable. "
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
Are you a leaner or a stander?
"I'd say I'm a blend of both. Depending on the game I can clutch up, but I prefer having a squad of people with balanced abilities "