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Maxdude4life  (@maxdude4life1)
aerialapostle (@aerialapostle)
Dadalorian (@dadalorian)
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West Coast Cr3w
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Dadalorian (@dadalorian)
Dadalorian Game Miniboss
Dad. Husband. Pacific NW born and raised. Home chef (love grilling!) Proud PC & Console Gamer.
Joel Willis (@joel)
Joel Willis Ticket Master
Designer, Developer, Founder of Channel 3. I love video games.
LegoDad (@legodad)
LegoDad Shuffle
Mad Harry Rackham (@madharryrackham)
Mad Harry Rackham Aggressively Mediocre
Just a dad playing video games and making art.
WildCard.PNW (@pointbreak084)
Ryan Murphy (@ryansvikingbeard)
Ryan Murphy 1%er
Maxdude4life  (@maxdude4life1)
Hector Reyes (@rey)
Hector Reyes Kong Country
Father, husband, gamer, and teacher. Channel 3 admin.
aerialapostle (@aerialapostle)
aerialapostle Shuffle
Vegas Mario Kart competitor (Ranked 16th USMK LAN 2024), Alzheimer’s Association advocate, LEGO Enthusiast