
Rifleman 1st; 2nd……what were/are you?
50 XP

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Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced Edition
Embody the superhuman skill and brutality of a Space Marine. Unleash deadly abilities and devastating weaponry to obliterate the relentless Tyranid swarms. Defend the Imperium in spectacular third-person action in solo or multiplayer modes.
Release Date 2024-09-09
Rating / Parents' Guide
   PlayStation 5 | Xbox Series X/S | PC


Pre-Purchase Offer

About the Game

Embody the superhuman skill and brutality of a Space Marine. Unleash deadly abilities and devastating weaponry to obliterate the relentless Tyranid swarms. Defend the Imperium in spectacular third-person action in solo or multiplayer modes.

Hold at bay the horrors of the galaxy in epic battles on far-flung planets with your deadly abilities, devastating weaponry, and uncover dark secrets to drive back the everlasting night and prove your ultimate loyalty to humanity.

Enjoy intense, gory and fast-paced third-person action with hundreds of enemies on screen, and purge the relentless Tyranid swarms in a spectacular new campaign. Play solo or with up to 2 friends in seamless 3 player co-op.

Defend the Imperium as your own Space Marine in an endlessly brutal and replayable PvE campaign featuring 6 classes, unlocking new skills and cosmetics or wage eternal war on your enemies in ferocious 6v6 PvP matches to bring glory to your faction!

41d @dan Search terms
41d @dan Admin (108: consolidated game id 3743 into game id 6018
147d @dan Wallpaper
147d @dan Missing Steam Info
234d @infocynic Game added to Channel 3 library