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The Players That Team Together
Start a multiplayer game with a team of human players against a team of AI opponents.
Ain't So Scared Anymore
As the Adepta Sororitas, kill an enemy unit with a unit that has the Oath of Faith trait.
A Long Shot, But It Might Just Work
Kill an enemy unit with the Aquila Macro Cannon at maximum range.
A Good Servant
These icons shine brightly in the Warp, gathering the malefic energies of Chaos to those who bear them.
Supporting Fire Warriors
As Tau, kill 10 enemy units that are next to other friendly units with overwatch.
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Use Master of Possession's Incursion while under the effects of Venomcrawler's Reservoir of Daemonic Energy.
In Death, Life
Sacrifice Chaos Cultists to boost growth on a city with an active Rite of Chaos and Our Lives for the Gods researched.
That's a Lot of Talking
Increase the armour of allied Adepta Sororitas units by a total of 100 points by using "Stirring Rhetoric".
Drive Me Closer, I Want To Hit Them With My Sword
Kill a unit of Ork Boyz with a Tank Commander's roll over them ability.
Who Guards the Guard?
Win a solo game on impossible difficulty against Astra Militarum on a huge map.
The Sound of Unsilence
Prevent 3 units from doing overwatch attacks with a Chaos Rhino with full cargo.
It's Avenging Time!
Kill an enemy unit with an Avenger Strike Fighter that has the trait Avenging Zeal or Bloody Resolution.
Chapter Approved
Not as Space Marines, win a solo game on impossible difficulty without founding a second city.
Where There's A Web, There's A Way
Play a game where a Webway Redoubt is constructed on each Webway Gate.
Rhana Dandra
Win a solo game on impossible difficulty as Craftworld Aeldari on a huge map against a team of 2 AI Chaos Space Marines.
Never Give Up!
As Adepta Sororitas, win a solo game on impossible difficulty without breaking the morale of any of your units.
The Purge
As Adepta Sororitas, win a solo game on impossible difficulty against Necrons, Craftworld Aeldari, T'au, Tyranids, Chaos Space Marines and Orks.
Adeptus Monotonous
As Adeptus Mechanicus, win a solo game on impossible difficulty by producing units only from Sub-Cloisters.
Friendly Fire For The Greater Good
Kill both an allied unit and an enemy unit at once with the XV107 R'Varna using the Nova Electromagnetic Shockwave ability.
Poison Supporters Gathering
As Drukhari, win a solo game by producing only units with poisoned weapons (Haemonculus, Hellions, Kabalite Warriors, Razorwing Jetfighter, Succubus, Venom, Wracks).
Troublemaker Twins
As Drukhari, win a game with an allied Craftworld Aeldari on Ranger difficulty against a team of Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Mechanicus, Astra Militarum and Space Marines on impossible difficulty. This can also be completed in multiplayer.