undyingbreath (@undyingbreath)
undyingbreath S9 Event Winner
What game genre just isn't for you?
"Just don't like the pacing of BRs have not found a single one I like and even though everyone tells me I should love them I just can't get into it. idk too many comp fps games as a kid?"
Battle Royale
What is your gaming snack of choice?
"White Cheddar cheezits"
What is your favorite course?
"It's rainbow road, while i miss the difficulty that it had back in the day its a good throwback :)"
Special Cup - Rainbow Road
Favorite NES Game
"I was way to young and dumb at the time to ever beat it but smacking everyone with Donnie's bo staff felt great and it was a game I was able to sit down and play with my older brother and have those memories."
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Week #100
"Such a good season I am glad to be level 100 and recommend if you enjoy Diablo you give this season a try if you need some help getting acclimated add my Btag UndyingB#1547"
Diablo IV