Tabletop Tsuro
Tsuro is probably the most relaxing game I've ever played. It's great as a first game of the night to set the tone or as a pallet cleanser after a heavier game. This is one of those games where I recommend that people read the introductory flavor text when playing it for the first time or the first time in a long time, again it sets the tone.

This is also a great game to play to let your kids be involved in game night. Play a 4 player game with the adults, bring the kids into the room to play a few rounds of Tsuro, then move one to more grown up games.

I talk about components a lot in my reviews, to me they make or break a game. This is another solid set of unique components.

Lastly, this is one of the few games that can play a large number of players and it doesn't add to the time of the game.

Great experience all around.
Tabletop Tsuro
This is a game in the category of what I call "time fillers." You want to play a game but don't want to think too much and don't have a ton of time. This game is perfect for that situation. This is a very simple/quick game. Anyone can play.
Tabletop Tsuro
A fun, simple game where you place tiles to create a path for your stone. As tiles are placed it can create new paths for other players and send them off the board. The goal is to be the last one on the board.

A great palate cleanser between heavier games.
