Explore the Trollhunters universe and save the world as Jim Lake Jr. in this action-packed game!
Release Date 2020-09-24
Rating / Parents' Guide
Fantasy Violence
This is an action-platformer, based on the series Tales of Arcadia, in which players control time-travelers (Jim and Claire) as they collect coins/magical stones, unlock special abilities, and battle various enemies. From a side-scrolling perspective, players traverse platforms and use swords and projectiles to kill fantasy creatures (e.g., goblins, trolls, dragons). Combat is frenetic at times, highlighted by sword-slashing sounds and cries of pain. A handful of enemies use blaster-like weapons, and some boss characters shoot multiple magical projectiles across the screen in more protracted combat.
   Stadia | Nintendo Switch | Xbox One | PlayStation 4 | PC

Jump into the world of Trollhunters as Jim Lake Jr. to stop Porgon the Trickster Troll and his sneaky plans! Team up with Claire in couch co-op and also get a helping hand from lots more loved characters to face unknown evil forces and help stop the Time-pocalypse! Upgrade your armour and boost your abilities to become more powerful than ever. The fate of the universe is in your hands!

  • Save the Trollhunter Universe!
  • Journey through time to stop Porgon
  • Upgrade your Trollhunter
  • Gain experience to level up your armor and abilities
  • Combine forces with your friends in couch co-op

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