Trials Evolution is a 2.5D platform racing game and the successor to Trials HD. Players control a motorcycle rider while traversing over every increasingly difficult obstacles moving from left to right. New to this version is curved movement with swerves in additional to the regular movement. The game comes with the same editor the development team used to create the game's content, and users can create their own track scenarios using it. User created tracks can be uploaded and shared with anyone on Xbox LIVE using the Track Central feature.
Release Date 2012-04-18
Rating / Parents' Guide
Mild Violence
This is a stunt-racing game in which players ride motorcycles through obstacle courses around a variety of settings. Players jump over gaps, avoid hazards, and try to avoid “faulting” (crashing). Some levels contain explosions that can forcefully knock the rider to the ground or into objects. A handful of levels depict war zone-like environments with bombs exploding near players, and fighter jets shooting missiles in the background. While the majority of the game focuses on completing the obstacle course with as few faults as possible, one game mode awards players for breaking multiple bones as they crash.
   Xbox 360

414d @joel Game added to Channel 3 library