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What Took Two?
Gauntlet Legends
Oh man, this was such a great hack n slash intro to fantasy-type games for me back on the ‘64! My brother and I had hours into this game.
Favorite Arcade Port to Home
Gauntlet Legends
Great multiplayer RPG. I was always the wizard, my brothers were warrior and thief I think. Picked it up as soon as it released on N64 after spending tons of quarters on the arcade.
Gauntlet Legends
The graphics and navigation are somewhat abysmal, but the nostalgia is strong with this one.
Lists: Own It, Nostalgia
"The Cake is a Lie" - Favorite Quote Meme
Gauntlet Legends
My sister and I used to play gauntlet on the Dreamcast. Whenever I was low on health it would say ”Wizard needs food” then say “Wizard needs food badly”

I started saying it in real life anytime I was hungry. This was pre-memes, but I found you can buy merch online, so I think it counts.

Gauntlet Legends
I’d say this was probably my first taste at an RPG. Leveling up, magic, the progress, and couch co-op were so fun!