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Games releasing this month

Tower of Dreams
Star Wars Hunters
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD
The End Is Nigh
The End Is Nigh is a platform action-adventure video game developed by Edmund McMillen and Tyler Glaiel. It was released on July 12, 2017 on Microsoft Windows via Steam. Ports of the game were released on August 15, 2017, on macOS, December 12, 2017, for Linux and Nintendo Switch and on April 30, 2019, for PlayStation 4. The game has been described as a spiritual successor to McMillen's Super Meat Boy. The player controls Ash, a small blob. The game is divided into more than 600 single-screen, interconnected levels, forming over 12 chapters. The objective of the game is to clear the platforming challenges of each screen and proceed to the next, exploring the world and collecting items along the way. Collectable items include tumors, which unlock bonus levels and are used as lives in later chapters, and video game cartridges, which unlock retro levels.

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