There's Nowhere To Run. Give Up!
Dealt 10 homing attacks. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Elegance At Its Purest
Triggered 10 screws. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Power Is Everything!
Dealt 10 power crushes. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
You Fought Well
Achieved a great victory. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Don't Take It Personally
Achieved a perfect victory. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
It's Just Business
Obtained an overall total of 5,000,000G.
Anger Of The Beast
Dealt an overall total of 1,000 damage while in rage mode. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
You Think You're Tougher Than Me?
Finished the prologue of the main story.
Crushing Impact!
Performed a balcony-breaking move. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
I'll Kick Your Butt To Hell And Back
Dealt 70+ damage in an air combo. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Destructive Drive
Performed a floor-breaking move. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
This Should Be Fun
Got promoted to 1st dan.
Come And Get Some, I Dare You!
Fought ten online battles.
Not Bad
Won a player match online.
Instant Annihilation
Won three times consecutively in Treasure Battle.
Let's Do This
Finished Chapter 1 of the main story.
Stun Gun!
Snatched victory from the jaws of defeat 5 times with Rage Art. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Fear My Wrath
Beat Devil Kazumi in an Arcade Battle or a Special Match in Treasure Battle.
We Settle This Now!
Dealt 20 Rage Arts. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Sturdy And Indestructible
Blocked 5 Rage Arts. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Obtained an overall total of 10,000,000G.
Yeah! I Did It!
Won a ranked match online.
Going Somewhere?
Reached the bottom floor of the Forgotten Realm stage. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Obtained 20 treasure boxes.
Your Technique Is Impressive
Got promoted to Initiate.
Don't Hold Anything Back
Defeated 20 opponents of a higher rank.
I've Finally Found You!
Obtained 50 treasure boxes.
No Pain, No Gain
Dealt 50,000 damage in Practice mode.
You Challenge Me?!
Finished Chapter 8 of the main story.
The Prosperous Inevitably Decline
Beat Akuma in an Arcade Battle or a Special Match in Treasure Battle.
Roar! (Nice Moves!)
Got promoted to Brawler.
Please Don't Tell My Father
Reached the deepest part of the Jungle Outpost stage. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Dealt 10 Rage Drives. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
I Can't Accept This Fate
Finished Chapter 13 of the main story.
It's Time For You To Meet Your End!
Watched the epilogue of the main story.
Hot-Blooded Fighter
Got promoted to Warrior.
Wow, I'm Pretty Strong!
Won three special matches in Treasure Battle.
Just Relax, You Can Do It
Performed three 10 hit combos. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
I Demand To Know The Truth!
Finished three Character Episode stories.
Lightning Of Fate
Finished 10 Character Episode stories.
Master Of Iron Fist
Okay! I'm Ready!
Won a battle in online tournament.