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Games releasing this month

Tower of Dreams
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Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue
Despite it being RADICALLY different from literally every other TMNT game and quite difficult, it does some fun things. It's a Metroidvania style game on the Gameboy with fun music, pretty good graphics, and a TERRIBLE map.
You start off as just Michelangelo and you have to rescue, radically preferred, your brothers and then Splinter and then April. As you rescue each other Turtle, you can swap out and use them, which you'll have to as they each have their own unique special move. Mikey can use his nunchuks as a helicopter, Leo can dig into the ground and use his swords as a drill, Donnie can scale walls with his bo, and Raph can shrink into his shell and get to smaller and hard to reach areas.
There are countless braindead foot soldiers all over but also some great B and C and even D-list enemies ripped right from TMNT history. You got Dirtbag and a Triceraton, but also Scale Tail and Scratch (who are pretty obscure)!
Obviously you fight Shredder at the end and rescue April and save the day.
For sound and graphics and most of the gameplay, it's a solid game. But the map and back and forth and unsure of where you're going the whole time makes it a difficult experience.
(Thankfully, on the Cowabunga Collection, you can watch the CPU play a no-hit speedrun of the game, which I did because I got too frustrated.)