Before I begin, I was teetering between 3 stars and 4. That's not to say it is at all a bad game, no, but like the style of my past reviews, I like to rate sequels in comparison to the other games in the series. What did this game add? Quite a bit actually. We got new enemies, new power-ups, new themes, new music, new blocks, just so much to improve on the game. Of course the main addition to this game (aside from slopes) was Super Mario 3D World game style. When I heard about this I was so excited. I love Super Mario 3D World, and may do a review on that game sometime soon as well. I was so hyped to try out the new mode, and when I got the game I realized how.. lame it was. Wow, this theme was so extremely advertised as the selling point of the game aaand why was it so lacking? We got the cat suit in a former shell of itself. They moved the button to cat dive to ZR. Some of you may be wondering why its a big deal, its just a button change. Well see, for nearly all powerups with another move, they had the same formula. Stick it onto the run button so if you want to use it you have to stop running and press the button again. So this kind of change was shocking. Aside from that, the cat dive now does not only stay in effect while holding the button, you have to press the button again to cancel it. Why did they change this you may ask? Because in Super Mario 3D World, there was an exploit where you could gain a ton of speed from cancelling the cat dive and starting another one quickly. So all of that was to fix a small exploit that didn't even make a difference. Well, the cat suit was a failure, but does that really mean the theme was ruined? Well on its own, no, however they also decided that they can't make new models for enemies, blocks, or items that were in other themes. So, if you wanted to make a level in one theme, then switch to the 3D World theme, it destroys your whole level. Ok, maaybe that would make sense, since 3D World has so many different items, enemies, etc. Then how come they made models for some enemies that weren't in 3D World, then they decided to leave out some of the most used features from other themes? Ok. It may sound like I'm nitpicking, but to me, when the main gimmick of a game is this.. weird, it rubs me the wrong way. This game is great too, and I love making levels and stuff, but in most ways it feels almost like a downgrade from the first game. No mystery mushroom, no weird mushroom, but now the game design in the maker almost feels... rushed? Yeah I kinda believe this game did not have the time it needed to truly be a second Mario Maker. There are multiple features in the story mode levels that did not make it into the maker, which just boggle me. They already have the sprites/models for them, so why not just let us use them?? Well, it's quite the game, and it is still a fun game. I definitely recommend it to most switch owners, however it has problems that you might have wanted to hear before you buy it.