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Games releasing this month

Tower of Dreams
Star Wars Hunters
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD
Brave a new world in Stranded: Alien Dawn, a planet survival sim placing the fate of a small marooned group in your hands. Forge your story through compelling and immersive strategic gameplay as you make vital decisions to protect your survivors from starvation, disease, extreme weather and more. From basic camps to fortified bases, create a stronghold to defend the survivors from attacks by alien creatures that roam an expansive and deadly alien world. Experience an epic and unpredictable journey.
Blood, Fantasy Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco
This is a survival strategy game in which players manage the fate of survivors from a crashed-landed space cruise. From a top-down perspective, players explore an alien world, direct survivors to scavenge/gather resources, engage in expeditions, and occasionally battle hostile aliens. Characters use arrows, guns, and machine-gun turrets to kill attacking aliens or hunt animals for food. Some creatures emit splatters of blood when injured; human characters are also depicted with splatters of blood when wounded or attacked. Players have the option to harvest human meat from corpses for survival (though the game does not encourage players to do so). The game contains some mildly suggestive material: non-specific references to characters flirting and telling suggestive/inappropriate jokes; a character bio that reads, “Yokko was a highly sought-after escort…”; players' ability to remove characters' clothing (down to their underwear) and place them in bed together. Characters can distill moo

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