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Change your surroundings in the blink of an eye. Wield powerful glasses that let you see and interact with the world in new ways. Spectacle is a surreal first-person puzzle game about observation, spatial reasoning, and lizards.
Release info To be announced

Hold either one of the mouse buttons down to blink or wink, thus changing and interacting with your surroundings. The buttons on your mouse act as your character’s eyes.

Discover a spectacular world where sight is everything and nothing is as it seems.
In Spectacle you switch between glasses that enable you to look at the world in different ways to solve the puzzles.

Explore mind-twisting puzzles where observation, spatial reasoning, and line of sight are your best tools.

Trip Space is a surreal universe where parallel spaces, perspective changes, and match cuts dictate how you perceive the world.

26d @dan Cover
27d @dan Trailer
27d @dan Game added to Channel 3 library