Snake Rattle 'n' Roll
I don't want to give a Rare game a bad review, but I just can't get into this one (though to be fair, Rare wasn't great until the SNES era when they started focusing on quality over quantity).
I found the snake difficult to control and I was a little confused as to what I was supposed to do (I got stuck at the waterfall in level 2).
I feel like those giving it higher ratings have nostalgia for it (which I don't), like how I have nostalgia for another Rare NES game - Cobra Triangle.
Snake Rattle 'n' Roll
I totally forgot this one but it was a blast when I was a kid. Let's go Nintendo get this one online.
Snake Rattle 'n' Roll
Lots of fond memories playing this one. Great, underrated game for NES.
Mason Thibodeau

James O'Connell

Brian McGuinness