Battle Tested
Win a battle.
Did you bring the band-aids? Restore 200 HP to hero targets across all battles.
Unleash a large barrage. Deal 20 damage or more in a single attack.
The Hero We Need
Defeat all core game Villains.
The Super Scientific Tachyon
Protector of Worlds
Win a battle in each core game Environment.
G.I. Bunker
Rook City Wraith
Compounded Ether Fist
Variety is the spice of pain! Deal 100 damage of each type across all battles.
Spread the love of Sentinels online. Play a multiplayer game with Handelabra Games, Greater Than Games, or someone who has.
America's Newest Legacy
Mad Bomber Blade
America's Greatest Legacy
Cosmic Omnitron
Flawless Victory
Achieve victory without a scratch. Win a battle with all Heroes at full HP.
That was Close!
Win a battle by the skin of your teeth - a single hero standing, with only 1 HP remaining.
The Hero We Deserve
Defeat all core game Villains on Advanced.
Santa Guise
Freedom Six Tachyon
Dark Watch Expatriette
Redeemer Fanatic
Freedom Six Absolute Zero
Freedom Six Unity
Dark Visionary
Settle the Scores
You won't get away with it this time! Defeat 10 Nemeses with the nemesis dealing the final blow.
Freedom Six Tempest
Mobbed by Paparazzi
It can make you feel so powerless. Defeat any Villain without using powers the entire battle (minimum 1 hero turn).
The Scholar of the Infinite
Freedom Six Bunker
Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
Extreme Hostage Situation
This IS a card game, right? Defeat any Villain without a hero card entering play the entire battle (minimum 1 hero turn).
Dark Conductor Argent Adept
Chrono-Ranger: Best of Times
Prime Wardens Argent Adept
Dark Watch NightMist
Dark Watch Mister Fixer
Freedom Six Wraith
The Eternal Haka
Void Guard Writhe: Cosmic Inventor
Spite: Agent of Gloom
Challenge Accepted
Defeat all core game Villains on Challenge Mode.
Termi-Nation Unity
Prime Wardens Tempest
Prime Wardens Fanatic
Heroic Infinitor
Captain Cosmic: Requital
K.N.Y.F.E. Rogue Agent
Prime Wardens Captain Cosmic
Prime Wardens Haka
Extremist Sky-Scraper
The Adamant Sentinels
Xtreme Prime Wardens Tempest
The Ultimate Hero
Defeat all core game Villains on Ultimate Mode.
The Hunted Naturalist
Skinwalker GloomWeaver
The Visionary Unleashed
Xtreme Prime Wardens Captain Cosmic
Xtreme Prime Wardens Argent Adept
Trickster Kismet
Termi-Nation Bunker
Dark Watch Setback
Termi-Nation Absolute Zero
Ra: Setting Sun
Xtreme Prime Wardens Haka
Xtreme Prime Wardens Fanatic
Fugue State Parse
Heroic Luminary
Dark Watch Harpy
Akash'Thriya: Spirit of the Void
Void Guard Road Warrior Mainstay
Freedom Five Wraith
Freedom Five Bunker
Freedom Five Legacy
Void Guard Doctor Medico - Malpractice
Void Guard Super Sentai Idealist
Season Passed
Defeat all Season 1 & 2 classic Villains.
Freedom Five Tachyon
Any Time, Any Place
Win a battle in each Season 1 & 2 Environment.
Benchmark: Supply & Demand
Action Hero Stuntman
Freedom Five Absolute Zero
Lifeline - Blood Mage
La Comodora: Curse of the Black Spot
Redirection Misdirection
Who are you even aiming at? Redirect a single instance of damage at least 5 times.
Vengeance Denied
Defeat all Season 2 team Villains.
Completionist Guise
Save the Multiverse
Defeat OblivAeon.
Heroes Undaunted
Defeat all Season 1 & 2 classic Villains on Advanced.
Classic Champion
Defeat all Season 1 & 2 classic Villains on Ultimate Mode.
Challenge Completed
Defeat all Season 1 & 2 classic Villains on Challenge Mode.
Team-ups Terminated
Defeat all Season 2 team Villains on Ultimate Mode.
Challenge Outmatched
Defeat all Season 2 team Villains on Challenge Mode.
Villains Thwarted
Defeat all Season 2 team Villains on Advanced.
Challenge Conquered
Defeat OblivAeon on Challenge Mode.
Be the Gate
Earn all of the OblivAeon Mission Rewards in a single game.
Break Through
Defeat OblivAeon starting with each of the 5 OblivAeon Shields.
Ultimate Victory
Defeat OblivAeon on Ultimate Mode (including all Scions on Advanced).
Destroy the Destroyer
Defeat OblivAeon on Advanced (including all Scions on Advanced).
Tim Cosing