peachespeachespeaches7 (@peachespeachespeaches7)
Guess the next C3CS
"The best game EVER. Geography is awesome!"
Gaming Adjacent: How do you like your steak?
"I chose blue for religious reasons. You might wonder about this unique religious concept that requires me to eat steak blue. I eat my steak blue or rare because if I were to eat it completely raw, the person that I bound myself to before God, the Law and Man would possibly divorce me. I would personally eat it raw, drizzled in soy sauce and spices, dipped in sriracha mayo like a bovine ceviche 3x a week. Possibly in a poke bowl like a good foodie millennial or just by itself like a wolf. I am also terrified of cows because I was chased by one as a child, it was quite traumatizing. Eating raw steak would be a kind of power move against my attempted moordeerer. But God hates divorce. Religion is important to me. I am supposed to love my spouse and sacrifice for them. The whole thing where Paul talks about eating food and offending people too. My person finds eating raw meat gross. So I gotta sear the steak. I figure it's a small sacrifice and then I can exercise my Christian liberty elsewhere doing things like watching Disney and listening to Taylor Swift. Also, divorce is expensive and I want to save my money to eat nearly raw steak. Thank you. "
Blue Rare/Pittsburgh
Favorite book genre?
"INSTRUCTION MANUALS. So many of them and you gotta read ‘em or else your ikea nightstand breaks. 😂 I mostly read the Bible and religious books. I enjoy a lot of deep-dive History stuff. Huge on the Plantagenet-Tudor-Stuart saga. But for fun I read sci-fi. Especially time travel, space and super-powered people stuff. I also like reading romance, but I’m very very very picky about what I read in that genre. "
National Sibling Day
"He’s a prolific step-dad so he’d probably be a good uncle. "
Pokémon Red and Blue
(2) The Legend of Zelda: BOTW v (2) Super Mario World
"Yeet. Skrrt. Yeet. Skrrt"
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Mundane Simulator
"Waiting room simulator. Endless waiting, paperwork with questions that are practically riddles, interacting with a rude receptionist that should go do ASMR, entertaining yourself with bad reception and no Wi-Fi, coping with burnt coffee smell, coughing patients, and bad music. "
Generate a Pokémon
"British Werewolf. A reference to the 80s song “Werewolves of London”. "
Gamify a 2000 Movie
"Horror. Crime procedural. Sci-Fi. Twists and Turns. Rated MA, obviously. "