Grumpytrashplayer (@nasko0406)
Grumpytrashplayer Certified Trash
Joel Willis (@joel)
Designer, Developer, Founder of Channel 3. I love video games.
KingMoore (@kingmoore)
KingMoore Rosey
ohtwotwo (@ohtwotwo)
father of 3. veteran. 6x Kart Gangs Champ. 4x Mario Golf Champion. Mario Battle Golf Champion. Group B Champion. Probably time trialing...
White Thunder (@whitethunder)
You don't have to be the best, just be YOUR best
Phil Glassner (@then3rddad)
Phil Glassner Founding Member
Married, Father of 2. I make memes and weld for money. I play video games and cook for fun.
Gargada (@gargada)
Husband, father, video gamer, crappy Fortnite player, content creator.
GGSHADOW (@ggshadow)
Hector Reyes (@rey)
Father, husband, gamer, and teacher. Channel 3 admin.
trashdoc16 (@trashdoc16)
Just a trash gamer who occasionally does something.
JPEG (@jpegmario)
DorsalFinGames (@dorsalfin)
DorsalFinGames PC Master Race
Handsome bearded streamer that loves to play simulation and fps games. And a big love hate relationship with League of Legends
NannerB (@nanner)
Love God, Love Others. Dad of 3 beautiful kids with one on the way! Sports Gamer. SKOL! Rocky Top! Go Cubs Go!
Bucket (@bucket)
Father | RL GC | Dev | Coach | Caster | Divergent Thinker | The Funnier Co-Host of The Bucket & Hoosier Show
Dos Andres (@dosandres)
Dos Andres Go Birds
Xenial gamer who will try any game. Laughs at things most are worried about getting canceled over. Lighten up it could be worse. Dad and Veteran.
Bammonty (@bammonty)
Coach Roo (@roorl)
Co-Owner and Coach for Faded Esports Dad Gamer of two amazing kids. TDG & C3 Caster
thunderpump_ (@thunder)
Father of 5 - Agent with eXp Realty - Average Gamer - Twitch Affiliate - Epic Partner
JustFrey2 (@justfreybros)
GeoDad (@geodad)
Joob (@joob)
Dad, RPG Addict, Trivia guy.
viperkid50 (@viperkid50)
Nathan Rose (@rosey978)
Nathan Rose Founding Member
RyanMac (@mariomaestro)
I used to be good at videogames.
WookieOH (@wookieoh)
Ajinator537 (@ajinator537)
Ajinator537 Tuesday RL Champ
McItaly (@mcitaly)
Imjustjeremy945 (@imjustjeremy945)
Imjustjeremy945 S5 Event Winner
Jsu (@jsu)
Just a dad having fun playing games with his kids.
Aztk_ (@pooking)
DudeBrutal (@dudebrutal)
BadIntel (@badintel)
I was the Dadmin for The Dad Gaming. Now that that's no more, I'm somewhat passively helping with Pixel Perfect Parenting, but IRL I parent two crazy little girls, and dispatch security at our local hospital 😄
Angelmage00 (@angelmage00)
thereal04mbl (@thereal04mbl)
K A O S (@kaos)
 Mamba (@blockmamba)
Love God. Love my family. Love games.
Tony Moreno (@gongshowdad)
Tony Moreno Stop the Stigma
Dad, Therapist, and Gamer. Co-caster for @haloinfinite and @fortnite with @TheDadGaming . Gong Show: Event that proves to be a disaster, often in a fun or memorable way
Blastnet (@blastnet)
Francophone, Father, Gamer/Geek/Nerd/Lego/Public Transit. Former Canadian Member of Parliament, Former Board of Director @Variety_Ontario #WhatHatIsDanWearing
IlLuSiOnChAoS (@illusionchaos)
kaiyohtay (@kaiyohtay)
d0ugwater (@lastnamedotever)
nmop3pisdu0zh on discord d0ugwater on epic
SmokeNasty (@smokenasty)
toolegit144 (@toolegit144)
outlawscrew (@outlawscrew)
getmurkd27 (@getmurkd27)
derangedwhale (@derangedwhale)
phillyphilly (@phillyphilly)
REGULATOR_RL (@xborn2regulatex)
TootsLaRoo (@tootslaroo)
Williams x12x (@williamsx12x)
Williams x12x Alpha Dog
Mew-Thew (@kajamo240)
The Lion (@thelion)
i am the best...
mikboy018 (@mikboy018)
mikboy018 333k XP
Darth Smeagol (@darthsmeagol)
Dark Lord of the Sith & Bearer of the One Ring
itchyramrod420 (@itchyramrod420)
itchyramrod420 Game NPC
garrettlewis1995 (@garrettseahawk95)
garrettlewis1995 Alpha Dog
daddyMANG (@daddymang)
daddyMANG Rosey
Father. Gamer. Rocket League is life. NJCAAE Spring 2023 National Champion Madison College "Wolfpack" Titletown eSports Professional Caster
williamthechap (@williamthechap)
ballzerusher (@ballzerusher)
Check out my TikTok it's my name lol
Lightning! (@lightning)
Lightning! April Fool
Faster than Fast, Quicker than Quick.. I am Lightning! Dad Gamer! I am 2nd. God Is 1st. ggs
FithAce (@fithace)
Old age doesn't have to be dull and boring, it can be frantic and dramatic... Just play Rocket League
shoda (@shoda)
Bromigo Bromein (@cknbromein)
Bromigo Bromein Threat Level Midnight
Your favorite subpar 90s cranking, splat splooshin’, blue shell aficionado! Memer by weekday and streamer by weekend; trying to keep you as minimally entertained as possible!
skyxburner (@skyxburner)
DefyHades (@defyhades)
MuchMoosen (@muchmoosen)
DragonsDungeonGaming  (@dragon)
DragonsDungeonGaming S6 Event Winner (2)
Wstn FV! (@wstnfv)
samoanthrax (@samoanthrax)
Busy. Playin Rocket League. Winnin fifties, suckin titties.
MudokonQueenTV (@mudokonqueen)
MudokonQueenTV Quest NPC
👩‍💻ft slave to corpo america -🎮pt gamer - 🖥️occasional streamer - 🎨editor of all things in ms paint - ✊she/her/hers
PRSDude (@prsdude)
PRSDude Rosey
Dad. Gamer. Concert Goer. Guitar Amateur.
itsducks (@itsducks)
ghostninjaobito (@ghostninjaobito)
jklein8383 (@jklein8383)
Feel the flow, feel it. It's circular. It's like a carousel. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse. It goes up and down and around. Circular. Circle. With the music, the flow. All good things.
EnderPhoenix (@enderphoenix)
“The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, 'You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” - George Carlin
Lone_wolf_5150 (@lonewolf5150)
Lone_wolf_5150 Alpha Dog
I’m a disabled combat veteran and play video games to help deal with the war inside my head I’m still fighting.
erocs (@erocs)
Brian McGuinness (@laughatbrian)
Brian McGuinness A little TOO Raph
Funny comedian & amazing voice actor. Host of Playable Characters Podcast.
XxGodDernCowboyX (@xxgodderncowboyxx)
boosh gadoosh (@booshgadoosh)
Irrational fear of whales and never enough time to game. My younger self would be ashamed.
Hat_Dad_Gaming (@hatdadgaming)
Hat_Dad_Gaming Rosey
A dad who loves his wife, kids, gaming, and of course my hats!
ntrinzik (@ntrinzik)
 Simon Rondeau (@sprondeau)
Simon Rondeau Target Goose Egg
Father of 2 and step-dad to 2 more. Located in Montreal and trying my hand at this streaming thing. Thanks for checking it out.
Edgeplay (@edgeplay)
Edgeplay Rosey
shagge1 (@shagge1)
bophadesnutz (@bophadesnutz)
bophadesnutz Rosey
WiiFu (@wiifu)
God first! Father of 2. Enjoyer of most games. Let’s play !
xxlasquirrel3xx (@xxlasquirrel3xx)
xxlasquirrel3xx S6 Event Winner
LegoDad (@legodad)
LegoDad Shuffle
kylehaggs (@kylehaggs)
Dadalorian (@dadalorian)
Dad. Husband. Pacific NW born and raised. Home chef (love grilling!) Proud PC & Console Gamer.
codean02 (@codean02)
ofbu (@ofbu)
evolvixon (@evolvixon)
Just your average nerdy mom
bigxjonx318 (@bigxjonx318)
Gaming Dad of Two Just Trying His Best
sundance (@sundance)
anaskhole (@anaskhole)
I am the wife of Grumpytrashplayer AKA Nasko and I am a casual gamer and I am a beauty sales giude for Lime Life.
Dennis (@dennis)
Dennis Shuffle
Grown Man Playing Pretend. Part Time Gamer, Part Time Techromancer, Full Time Father of a teenage daughter that enjoys gaming just as much as I do.
saturnrogue (@saturnrogue)
saturnrogue Go Birds
Just a dad trying to get better at games to defeat his kids. Father of 3 beautiful children.