A top 5 all time arcade for me. This and TMNT and Final Fight were my go-to co-op games (besides the obvious Street Fighter 2 and various Mortal Kombats). There was just something about N.A.R.C. that made it so fun to play. Blowing up bad guys with a rocket launcher and watching body parts go everywhere was probably it actually. The music was great. The graphics were great. And you got to ride a Porsche for about 4 seconds before you smashed it into a dumpster then had to walk the rest of the level.
The NES version, while playable and fine, wasn't as good and detailed as the arcade version.
Does anyone else remember this game? It was an odd mashup of a side scrolling shooter, a law enforcement game, and a sci-fi horror movie. With its very strong anti-drug message, this game won me over in the arcade. My favorite levels were the bridge sports car driving level and the final confrontation with Mr. Big. When I owned the console version I specialized in arresting all of drug pushers for ,as dive scores and powerups. Hardest enemy: drug dogs.

I found an arcade version years later in the MSP airport. I made it to Mr. Big but ended up having to go to my flight before winning. I hope to get another crack at it soon.



Dan Tucker




Tony Moreno