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Mega Man X
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
I had a lot of fun with this one! It’s a lot like Castlevania 2 but with the kinks worked out. My only problem with it is that it was a little too short, but with various decision points affecting the outcome of the game there’s a fair amount of replay value here. It may also not be the most original game in the world as it is heavily indebted to its influences, but it’s still very highly recommended!
Shovel Knight
A lot of fun and a great throwback to what made NES games so amazing. Basically, it’s Mega Man style level design with Castlevania/Ninja Gaiden style combat. At times though, there were some aspects of it that were frustrating and a little unfair. Nonetheless it’s well worth your time and kicked off a whole wave of great 2D indie games in the 2010s.
The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
Had this for Game Boy growing up. Competent and inoffensive, if a bit dull and repetitive. Never really held my interest for too long.
Alien 3
A must play for me whenever I have my Genesis set up. Having a lot more in common in terms of the scenarios you find yourself running into with Aliens as opposed to the third film, this game is insanely creative for a movie-based, side scrolling run and gun, involving a lot of non-linearity and exploration within the individual stages. It’s not perfect, though; there’s not much in the way of enemy variety, and there is the occasional unfair death here and there. Plus, like a lot of Genesis games, you are weirdly stuck with limited continues and no save or password feature, quality of life enhancements which would have improved this game tremendously. That being said, I do find it to be a pleasant surprise and an overlooked classic.
Metroid Dread
Great fun and it’s awesome to see a new 2D entry in the series in this day and age. It’s nice to see Nintendo take notice of how big Metroidvanias are in the indie game world and deliver their own take. Only real complaint that I have with it is it was over too soon, and the way it was designed felt like the developers were trying to rush you through it. Still highly recommended, though, and with the recent spate of Zelda-likes in indie world, it’d be cool to see that series get a similarly conceived all new 2D game.
This is probably the best Atari 2600 game, and it’s certainly my favorite for the system. It plays to the system’s strengths and is easy to learn yet difficult to master in the way a lot of the best games of the early 1980s are. It looks and sounds great by not trying to do too much, but just enough to be aesthetically appealing. Had this come out as a coin op, or even two or three years earlier, it would be an undisputed classic along side the likes of Galaga and Yar’s Revenge. If you like the classic space shooters of the golden age of arcade games, you will absolutely love this.
Donkey Kong (1994)
Even though I’ve never managed to finish it, this is my pick for the best Mario game of all time. The difference is the way Mario moves here; he can do so much more than he can in other 2D Mario games, including all sorts of backflips and double jumps. Plus, all of the levels are fun and creative, and never get tedious as some puzzle platformers can. Growing up this was probably my favorite Game Boy game after Link’s Awakening, and as the save battery is dying on my original cart it would be great to see it get a remaster or put on NSO.
NFL Blitz
Got my ass kicked at this on a coin-op with some friends a few years back because I think I was trying to play it too realistically. I hear this is really fun once you get into it but as someone who isn’t too into sports games, I just don’t think this is for me.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
Great fun if a little too easy to push through at the end of the day. It’s a great nostalgia trip for fans of the series and the games and toys that went with it, and the Turtles’ NYC is a fun world to move around in. Multiplayer is where it truly shines, like a lot of brawlers. It would be nice to see this one get some DLC to expand the experience.
Super Mario Bros.
A great game for sure, but I’ve always preferred Metroid and Zelda, plus I’m just plain not very good at it. I’ve only beaten it once with save states and rewind, and more than anything I wish the physics were less slippery than they are. Nonetheless it is a fun and quirky adventure that everyone into the medium should play at least once, and it’s easy to see why it caught on like it did at the time.
A true hidden gem. Why this doesn’t get the same love that Contra or Castlevania gets I’ll never understand, but at least that means it’s pretty cheap to pick up. Golden age Konami at its best. A truly unique concept driving two military jeeps around and rescuing POWs Choplifter style. I would love to see this get added to NSO for online play with friends and for more people to experience this classic.
MLB The Show 22
I generally do not like sports games, and as much as I like baseball in real life I feel like it usually translates into a video game pretty badly, so the quality of this game and the fun I’ve had playing it truly come as a surprise. I do wish certain things were more intuitive, though, especially stealing bases and a lot of things related to base running in general. Nonetheless, probably the first sports game I’ve really enjoyed since like Tecmo Bowl.
Ori and the Blind Forest
I should probably replay this as I’m playing through the sequel right now, but I remember it being really, really good. That being said, it was a little too short and linear than I typically like Metroidvanias to be. Great look and sound and a simple but compelling story, though. Highly recommended.
Even though it’s a little flawed, this is a huge comfort game for me that I honestly return to a lot more than I do the superior Super Metroid. The exploration is great and it’s truly amazing how fluid and intuitive Samus feels to control given the hardware limitations. I can’t give it 5 stars in earnest because of a few things, most notably the annoying decision to respawn Samus with only 30 health no matter what (Zelda for NES has a similar issue), and how easy it is to cheese Ridley. A lot of people like to say this has aged badly but I don’t think that’s true. The spare graphics add to the mysterious atmosphere, and I’ve come to enjoy not having a map and getting to know the areas of the game just from visiting them over and over again. Definitely a must play for anyone into NES or metroidvanias up through the present.
Surprisingly fun and competitive as limited as it is. Try and find a version where you can play against a computer.
Ninja Gaiden
Fun and goofy in the best way. I love the wide variety of enemies the best about this game, plus the cutscenes are kind of cool. Another linear side scroller with a killer soundtrack on a system filled with them. It can get frustrating towards the later stages especially with the respawning enemies, but nonetheless this is an excellent fast paced time killer I find myself returning to over and over again.
Metroid Fusion
Not a bad game by any means but the linearity of it, at least compared to other games in the series, takes a little away from the experience. Nonetheless, there are some really wild boss battles and the atmosphere is very cool. A solid entry for sure.
Spider-Man 2
Such a cool game that I really wish I had the time to dig deeper into. The open world design was revolutionary for a superhero game at the time. I should really spend more time with it.
A foundational classic but only has the one maze. Ms. Pac Man is much stronger.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Got it used for like 5 bucks and I lost interest during the opening tutorial, around the point where you have to heard a bunch of pigs or whatever. I hear the rest is really linear, plus it tries too hard to be gritty, but I can’t speak to any of that first hand. A series low point.
Dead Cells
Fun and charming, though Rouge-likes can kind of wear on me. It’s a bit of a slog and can get repetitive. I feel like I should like this more than I do.
Super Castlevania IV
Castlevania at its best. It’s not a perfect game, erring towards being a little too easy and predictable. Nonetheless, for a linear platform it’s hard to get much better than this. A wild, crazy ride throughout with some great Mode 7 effects. A highlight of both the system and the series.
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

I feel much the same way about this game that I do about ET for Atari. Ambitious, misunderstood, and ahead of its time, but it doesn’t have the same excuses that game had as far as I know. It looks and sounds great and there are some really cool ideas here, even if they aren’t implemented especially well. Plus, there are just some utterly baffling decisions. Why are the boss battles such a disappointment? Why do the townspeople outright lie to you? Nonetheless, I do pick this one up occasionally and have a fun time when I do
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Looks and sounds great, plays perfectly and a brilliant story. Fun puzzles and amazing dungeons. Pushed the entire medium forward and set a new standard, and it accomplished this all on the original Game Boy. This is my candidate for the greatest video game of all time. Truly an accomplishment.
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Ahead of its time and misunderstood. Could have been a masterpiece if Warshaw had more time to develop it. Honestly sounds and looks great for the system, though the gameplay is admittedly a little frustrating and janky. Doesn’t deserve the hate it gets; there are far, far worse games that I’ve played, for Atari 2600 and beyond.