mistermez (@mistermez)
Pokémon Snap
I really love the concept of pokemon snap, I just felt like it was too short and like... didn't feature all of the mons. This game had a lot more potential, but was still enjoyable.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
For me, this was one of the better feeling Call of Duty games in the franchise. The custom emblem editing and wide array of weapons had me playing this every day for a year. No shot playing now with the amount of hacking in online lobbies, but was very fun when servers were active and properly monitored.
I remember renting this game from blockbuster and playing on the N64 with my mom, she loved this game so much and the concept was something so new to her of what games could be. Gameplay was so good and brought a unique take on what a hero and their motives may look like. Also eating people and barfing them up never got old.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Super Mario Sunshine

The Jackbox Party Pack (2014)