Mad Harry Rackham (@madharryrackham)
Mad Harry Rackham Aggressively Mediocre
Just a dad playing video games and making art.
Jsu (@jsu)
Just a dad having fun playing games with his kids.
Joel Willis (@joel)
Joel Willis Ticket Master
Designer, Developer, Founder of Channel 3. I love video games.
Matt Diaz (@matt)
Jeff Tiberi (@xbitgaming)
Jeff Tiberi Founding Cr3w
8/3/23 stay tuned
Cody Davis (@codydavis)
Cody Davis Founding Cr3w
✝️ Follower of Jesus. 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Husband & Father of 3 boys. 🏈 Retired NFL player. ➡️ Data Science, Player Development, Charity. Col 3:23
The Lion (@thelion)
i am the best...
eliza broadbent  (@eliza)
eliza broadbent Mother of Dragons
Mario Kart 8. Learning from the pros. Old skool Nintendo.
Dan Tucker (@dan)
I came here to chew bubble gum and play video games, and I got some bubblegum right here.
Felix Schlater (@felixschlater)
Felix Schlater
Artist, NFT Obsessed, Founder of Rosko & Friends
BadIntel (@badintel)
I was the Dadmin for The Dad Gaming. Now that that's no more, I'm somewhat passively helping with Pixel Perfect Parenting, but IRL I parent two crazy little girls, and dispatch security at our local hospital 😄
RandissBobandiss (@randiss)
RandissBobandiss Here since Season 0
Proud Canadian Gamer, moderator and content creator with The Dad Gaming! Father to a handsome little man !
Hector Reyes (@rey)
Hector Reyes Kong Country
Father, husband, gamer, and teacher. Channel 3 admin.
Tony Moreno (@gongshowdad)
Tony Moreno Stop the Stigma
Dad, Therapist, and Gamer. Co-caster for @haloinfinite and @fortnite with @TheDadGaming . Gong Show: Event that proves to be a disaster, often in a fun or memorable way
Brad Welbourne (@bvr)
Brad Welbourne Rosey
Father of 2 and Rocket League Host and Caster!
Jason Bullock (@bullboski)
Jason Bullock Founding Member
Unapologetic geek & gamer when my kids let me. My opinions are my own & will probably offend you.
KScheidt (@kscheidt)
I'm a full-time husband/father, a semi-professional outdoorsman, a retired race car driver, and an amateur Rocket Leaguer!
TDGNeo (@neoman47)
Nathan Rose (@rosey978)
Nathan Rose Founding Member
trashdoc16 (@trashdoc16)
Just a trash gamer who occasionally does something.
Seth Fair (@groovinyeti)
Dad, teacher, gamer
PRSDude (@prsdude)
PRSDude Rosey
Dad. Gamer. Concert Goer. Guitar Amateur.
Dean Pen (@zerocoollatte)
Dean Pen
All around decent guy
McItaly (@mcitaly)
Bucket (@bucket)
Father | RL GC | Dev | Coach | Caster | Divergent Thinker | The Funnier Co-Host of The Bucket & Hoosier Show
 Simon Rondeau (@sprondeau)
Simon Rondeau 333k XP
Father of 2 and step-dad to 2 more. Located in Montreal and trying my hand at this streaming thing. Thanks for checking it out.
tomlit (@tomlit)
tomlit Rosey
Brent Davis (@brentdavis)
Brent Davis Alpha Dog
Husband, Father, Gamer
PapaRizzoRL (@paparizzorl)
liquidhot (@liquidhot)
Longtime gamer, tech enthusiast and software developer.
Ottomatic Gaming (@gamingottomatic)
Ottomatic Gaming
A husband, father, gamer, and terrible golfer. Passionate about being a part of a good community of average gamers who respect each other and have fun.
 theAld3n (@alden)
I make a lotta noise with guitar and pedals and call it ambient music. V casual gamer with a bad dad joke habit.
NannerB (@nanner)
Dad of three beautiful kids. Love God, Love Others. YouTuber. Avid baseball fan! Go Cubs Go!
daddyMANG (@daddymang)
daddyMANG Rosey
Father. Gamer. Rocket League is life. NJCAAE Spring 2023 National Champion Madison College "Wolfpack" Titletown eSports Professional Caster
SchizzzRL (@schizzzrl)
SchizzzRL Rosey
Born in 95, father of 1, bonus father of 2 more! I love to play rocket league. Catch me streaming on twitch sometime!
Tyler Stevens (@papaab)
Tyler Stevens S1 Event Winner
Rocket League/Apex player. Streamer @papaab on Twitch... Hope to see everyone around. Love you all
MrHoosier (@mrhoosier)
I am a Husband, Father, and Average Gamer.
Phil Glassner (@then3rddad)
Phil Glassner Founding Member
Married, Father of 2. I make memes and weld for money. I play video games and cook for fun.
Gargada (@gargada)
Husband, father, video gamer, crappy Fortnite player, content creator.
Joob (@joob)
Dad, RPG Addict, Trivia guy.
NoSympy (@nosympy)
NoSympy Rosey
Josh Sneed (@joshsneed)
Seen on ComedyCentral & DrybarComedy Owner: CincyShirts, OldSchoolShirts, InTheClutchCom #GoReds #WhoDey
ohtwotwo (@ohtwotwo)
father of 3. veteran. 6x Kart Gangs Champ. 4x Mario Golf Champion. Mario Battle Golf Champion. Group B Champion. Probably time trialing...
Brandon Aspinwall (@basaints)
Brandon Aspinwall
 Mamba (@blockmamba)
Love God. Love my family. Love games.
jayrome727 (@jayrome727)
jayrome727 Turbo (18)
TheHarryEagle  (@theharryeagle)
TheHarryEagle Founding Member
Just a dude trying to make it in the world of streaming. Family Friendly Streamer. Just switched from FB Gaming to YouTube.
Guardog77  (@guardog77)
Guardog77 Rosey
Bromigo Bromein (@cknbromein)
Bromigo Bromein Threat Level Midnight
Your favorite subpar 90s cranking, splat splooshin’, blue shell aficionado! Memer by weekday and streamer by weekend; trying to keep you as minimally entertained as possible!
Wuhtt (@sdnassiff)
Nate Russell (@russdawg87)
Nate Russell Founding Cr3w
Father of 4. Business teacher for both high school and undergrads. Football and now eSports coach. Lover of all things baseball. Devoted ChiSox and Denver Broncos Fan.
LegoDad (@legodad)
LegoDad Shuffle
Megan Rosenbaum (@meganrosenbaum)
Megan Rosenbaum
OhMyFavourite (@ohmyfavourite)
Rocket League and FPS streamer, caster for @thedadgamingclub , husband and father of 2 girls.
EnderPhoenix (@enderphoenix)
“The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, 'You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” - George Carlin
GeoDad (@geodad)
Mark Chalifoux (@markchalifoux)
Mark Chalifoux Founding Member
Nationally touring stand-up comedian.
Jordan Stratton (@jordanstratton)
Jordan Stratton
Big “golden retriever wearing a backwards baseball cap” energy. Check out things I write and say: thedad
Brooke Monson (@brookemonson)
Brooke Monson
MaceLink (@macelink)
KingMoore (@kingmoore)
KingMoore Rosey
Steve (@elmundo360)
Console Gamer, Current Gen and retro collector 🇬🇧 slowly starting to create content...
Blessy340 (@blessy340)
Bammonty (@bammonty)
Cincinnati Fear (@fear)
Cincinnati Fear
Esports organization representing Cincinnati 👾 || Competing in @leagueoflegends and @supersmashbrosultimate! || #FearUs
qmo87 (@qmoran87)
yeah, im qmo87
Dos Andres (@dosandres)
Dos Andres Go Birds
Xenial gamer who will try any game. Laughs at things most are worried about getting canceled over. Lighten up it could be worse. Dad and Veteran.
EC DOOM  (@ecdoom)
Just a dad who when he finds the time plays games. Mainly shooters trying to relive his old glory, lol.
Brian McGuinness (@laughatbrian)
Brian McGuinness A little TOO Raph
Funny comedian & amazing voice actor. Host of Playable Characters Podcast.
White Thunder (@whitethunder)
You don't have to be the best, just be YOUR best
JPEG (@jpegmario)
SeenIt👀 (@seenitcoveredit)
SeenIt👀 Founding Cr3w
5'10 IRL but 6'8 on the sticks 🎮
TootsLaRoo (@tootslaroo)
panda (@panda)
DorsalFinGames (@dorsalfin)
DorsalFinGames PC Master Race
Handsome bearded streamer that loves to play simulation and fps games. And a big love hate relationship with League of Legends
Heather (@mrsgargada)
ginkelburg (@ginkelburg)
ginkelburg Rosey
FithAce (@fithace)
Old age doesn't have to be dull and boring, it can be frantic and dramatic... Just play Rocket League
shagge1 (@shagge1)
lightwork (@lightwork)
DefyHades (@defyhades)
thunderpump_ (@thunder)
thunderpump_ Called It! (6)
Father of 5 - Agent with eXp Realty - Average Gamer - Twitch Affiliate - Epic Partner
jasonvg (@jasonvg)
MudokonQueenTV (@mudokonqueen)
MudokonQueenTV Quest NPC
👩‍💻ft slave to corpo america -🎮pt gamer - 🖥️occasional streamer - 🎨editor of all things in ms paint - ✊she/her/hers
mikboy018 (@mikboy018)
mikboy018 333k XP
zpitb0ssz (@zpitb0ssz)
irishhawk27 (@irishhawk27)
b4nd (@b4nd)
Imjustjeremy945 (@imjustjeremy945)
Imjustjeremy945 S5 Event Winner
hellonewman (@hellonewman)
hellonewman Rosey
goldhellian89 (@goldhellian89)
WookieOH (@wookieoh)
F34RL3SSL33D3R (@f34rl3ssl33d3r)
BumpoSaurusRex (@bumposaurusrex)
Pickle the Dog (@picklethedog)
Pickle the Dog Mother of Dragons
Literally a dog
SmokeNasty (@smokenasty)
MuchMoosen (@muchmoosen)
Lone_wolf_5150 (@lonewolf5150)
Lone_wolf_5150 Alpha Dog
I’m a disabled combat veteran and play video games to help deal with the war inside my head I’m still fighting.
boosh gadoosh (@booshgadoosh)
Irrational fear of whales and never enough time to game. My younger self would be ashamed.