jimmynumerics (@jimmynumerics)
jimmynumerics Rosey
jklein8383 (@jklein8383)
Feel the flow, feel it. It's circular. It's like a carousel. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse. It goes up and down and around. Circular. Circle. With the music, the flow. All good things.
Joob (@joob)
Dad, RPG Addict, Trivia guy.
Dan Tucker (@dan)
Dan Tucker Go Birds 2025
I came here to chew bubble gum and play video games, and I got some bubblegum right here.
Joel Willis (@joel)
Designer, Developer, Founder of Channel 3. I love video games.
Hat_Dad_Gaming (@hatdadgaming)
Hat_Dad_Gaming Rosey
A dad who loves his wife, kids, gaming, and of course my hats!
PRSDude (@prsdude)
PRSDude Rosey
Dad. Gamer. Concert Goer. Guitar Amateur.
mikboy018 (@mikboy018)
mikboy018 333k XP
Jsu (@jsu)
Just a dad having fun playing games with his kids.
shagge1 (@shagge1)
Edgeplay (@edgeplay)
Edgeplay Rosey
mpbosco11 (@mpbosco11)
mpbosco11 Rosey
 Simon Rondeau (@sprondeau)
Simon Rondeau Target Goose Egg
Father of 2 and step-dad to 2 more. Located in Montreal and trying my hand at this streaming thing. Thanks for checking it out.
McItaly (@mcitaly)
daddyMANG (@daddymang)
daddyMANG Rosey
Father. Gamer. Rocket League is life. NJCAAE Spring 2023 National Champion Madison College "Wolfpack" Titletown eSports Professional Caster
Hector Reyes (@rey)
Father, husband, gamer, and teacher. Channel 3 admin.
syskilla (@syskilla)
highflyer5280 (@highflyer5280)
KingMoore (@kingmoore)
KingMoore Rosey
Bucket (@bucket)
Father | RL GC | Dev | Coach | Caster | Divergent Thinker | The Funnier Co-Host of The Bucket & Hoosier Show
JackieThrobinson (@jthrob)
JackieThrobinson Rosey
pelt (@pelt)
SchizzzRL (@schizzzrl)
SchizzzRL Rosey
Born in 95, father of 1, bonus father of 2 more! I love to play rocket league. Catch me streaming on twitch sometime!
FithAce (@fithace)
Old age doesn't have to be dull and boring, it can be frantic and dramatic... Just play Rocket League
bophadesnutz (@bophadesnutz)
bophadesnutz Rosey
dbryantm (@dbryantm)
dbryantm Game NPC
Programmer by day, Gamer by night...
LegoDad (@legodad)
LegoDad Shuffle
prodigymeta (@prodigymeta)
tomlit (@tomlit)
tomlit Rosey
OhMyFavourite (@ohmyfavourite)
Rocket League and FPS streamer, caster for @thedadgamingclub , husband and father of 2 girls.
turdferguson (@turdferguson)
grandejuevos (@grandejuevos)
grandejuevos Ball Knower
notoriousdrewbee (@notoriousdrewbee)
itsbigshane (@itsbigshane)
lessthandan (@lessthandan)
lessthandan Rosey
comraderuski (@comraderuski)
the50cal (@the50cal)
the50cal Rosey
WiiFu (@wiifu)
God first! Father of 2. Enjoyer of most games. Let’s play !
Coach Roo (@roorl)
Co-Owner and Coach for Faded Esports Dad Gamer of two amazing kids. TDG & C3 Caster
TDGNeo (@neoman47)
FULLBL00DN8V (@fullbl00dn8iv)