J.Q. Belmont (@jdayretro2693)
J.Q. Belmont
Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Not a bad collection overall. Maybe they should have threw in CastleVania Legends just because? Konami, please get the music fixed on CastleVania 1!
Operation C
Not bad at all for a portable NES type Contra game!
Jackal's a pretty solid Konami NES title. 2 players. gun that always shoots forward, grenades and missiles that can be aimed in any direction but you gotta turn fast, and a high-octane soundtrack you may or may not use to start your morning with!
Interesting game, but maybe not for small children due to animated gore and
the unique gory death cut scenes in the game if your guy dies. You can be a noble knight, or a butthead conquering warlord. The nods to CastleVania, Zelda, particularly Link's Adventure, and even Contra, make for some retro styled gaming.
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Definitely in the vein of Dr. Mario. Not a bad game.
Double Dragon IV
Pretty faithful in feel to its predecessors, not bad music, online co-op now possible, and more m=buttons make techniques a bit easier to execute!
Super Mario Land
Kudos to Nintendo for making this game different enough from the NES game. Another one that's fun to run through when the mood is right. Egyptian levels in any game are always cool.
Super Mario Bros.
Still fun to run through when the mood is right and the crew is feeling retro.
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
This game helped me decide to buy a GameCube (thanks again Mark). It's still pretty cool.
Final Fantasy VIII
I couldn't get past the boss that had my team member stuck inside them. Usually I prefer real time battling, but I logged in some hours on this one none the less.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
The one that brought the arcade style TNMTs home for me. The Sega Genesis game was pretty good too. Go green machine!
Dinosaur Game (Chrome Dino)
Proof that simple games still got it!
Super Mario All-Stars
Neat makeover of the original NES games plus one we didn't have here in the States!
Castlevania 64
I haven't finished this one yet, but I plan to. When I saw the commercials for this, I was really excited. A 3D 'Vania sounded mind blowing at the time. I may change my stars after I play through it? Still proud of Konami for taking a chance. I guess Legacy of Darkness is supposed to be what this game would have been like if the developers had proper time to complete making it?
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
I should try to play through this one someday. Zelda with a timer... Hmm...
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Maybe deserves a fourth star, but it was harder than than the first game, but the kid in me says three stars lol. I first discovered it on the All Stars collection.
Missile Command
A classic that I spent many hours on as a young kid endlessly preventing extraterrestrial dominion with.
Aladdin (SNES)
Not a bad game at all, but I really dig having the scimitar in the Sega Genesis version.
Super Pitfall
Crazy game that really did need tweaking. There's a fan hack out there that did just that.
The Revenge of Shinobi
Shinobi III was the best of them, but this one is pretty good and built the foundation SIII sits on. Give it a go if you like the retro!
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Pretty good CastleVania. Like the multipaths and characters. I played the SNES version first, but if you're picky, go with this one. Hopefully another Konami collection will have it out again soon.
Donkey Kong Jr.
Not a bad game at all. Definitely that classic arcade feel. The simplicity of it can have me playing it for a long time if I let myself. And one you could still play with the kids, so that's nice.
Certainly an interesting contribution to the fighting games genre! A wacky gem from the past. one I'd paly again just to re-witness the odd but fun graphics.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Not a bad shoot 'em up for the franchise. But the Rogue Squadron games probably grab me more. May the Force be with you!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
As a kid, the simplicity of slash my way through the Foot Clan was the direct and to the point game my kid patience could handle. I appreciate the first game more as an adult. Glad the Cowabunga Collection is here, especially with the first arcade game online play!
Aladdin (Sega/PC/NES)
Got a sword! Oh yeah! Well done movie tie in game!
Super Metroid
The first Metroid game I played all the way through!
The reason the 8-bit version of The Sugarplum Fairy will be forever stuck in our heads, along with the other themes it supplies.
Jump King
Not a game I spent a lot of time on. If you're looking for classic gamer rage, you will find it here. Maybe paly it with a friend so you have someone to share the laughs and heartbreak this game will supply!
Mega Man 2
Probably one of the first N-do games I saw in my life. Still a classic. Great soundtrack!
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Classic game for sure. Buy it on your platform of choice! And go check out the fan made hack called "Oh No! More Zombies Ate My Neighbors" to keep zany B-movie gaming times rolling!
Super Mario Bros. 3
A great Mario classic that's till fun to play, especially with a second player.
Super Star Wars
No argument about the good graphics and music they did here. It can be a bit of a wonky game. I sort of just would hold the jump and shoot buttons through large portions of it, and for the most part, that will carry you through the game. But, if you're a big fan of the movies, give this one and the other two a good old lightsaber whirl.
One of those classic arcade games with a super simple mechanic that can have you playing for hours if you have the time!
This game's still on fire and a fun revisit. Had a birthday party as a kid years ago that had the Sega Genesis version being played in one room and the SNES in the other.
Ninja Gaiden
HARD game, but you really feel like a ninja once you master each level.
Blaster Master
A Metroid-like game for sure. Great soundtrack that takes me back to those early NES days. There's now a trilogy of sequels, or maybe it's a retelling, of games that have the NES look, but with some 16 and 32 bit bits going on as well. Note - if you've played Fester's Quest, I'm pretty sure they used the gun mechanics from BM in FQ. Game on good people.
Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight
Made by Capcom, it's a good game overall. The controls take a bit of getting used to, but once you've got them, strap in for a journey. Great soundtrack.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
The most jam packed MetroidVania the original CastleVania SOTN team put together for sure. If you don't mind putting in the grind, you can make your character a god. Beautiful graphics and music.
Blazing Chrome
If you like the Contra games, PLAY THIS.
Super Double Dragon
I liked this one overall. Maybe partly because I could beat it, and it has some cool moves the bros can do. There's a fan game out there now called ULTIMATE DOUBLE DRAGON based on this one that I highly recommend. The creators have poured their love of fighting games into it until the cup runeth over.
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
This one may have impressed me more as a kid. The Dragons travel the world! Fighting ninjas! Getting to BE a ninja! The Kung Fu guy is so slow... (I later learned how powerful is strikes were and have new respect - and maybe the Bruce Lee nerd I became). I appreciate the hack that gives more life and the ability to play as both "Bimmy" and Jimmy.
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
DOUBLE indeed! Also pretty hard to beat. But have the right mindset, and enjoy the butt kicking, both giving and receiving!
Double Dragon (1987)
It doesn't go double until the end, but oh well. And dang, it's still a brutal game! Anybody familiar with the Chuck Norris hack of this?
Battletoads & Double Dragon
it's a Battletoads game with the Lee brothers included really. But it gave us another Battletoads type game to rock, right?
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Pretty epic for a Gameboy game right? Zelda in your pocket, or one of those rad carrying cases from back in the day. I think this was the first game I played on my first OG GB.
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Like CastleVania II: Simon's Quest, this game tried something different for a sequel before internet poles could influence. Kudos to N-do for doing so. I'll leave any shredding to the AVGN.
Contra III: The Alien Wars
Looking back, this game played like an arcade game. The soundtrack was movie worthy. The flame thrower is one of my favorite incarnations of the =F=. And dang, this one could be brutal on Hard mode. But gosh, Hard Corps is harder right?
Classic shoot 'em up! The only thing better may have been Super C?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I appreciate the strategy needed to beat this game much more as an adult. My kid patience game (pun?) handled TMNTs 2 The Arcade Game on NES better, but now I think I want to do a playthrough of this game at some point.
It's not this game's fault that it kicks your butt at least 1,000 times. I recommend using nothing but an infinite lives code, maybe even being so bold as to paly with a friend, laugh your butt off every time you die, cuz it's going to happen. A lot. Find the fun and game on.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
An interesting twist of story telling for sure. Beautiful graphics, well done voice acting. If you're a fan of the franchise, I say give it a try - just don't expect it to be what has come before it.
Double Dragon Neon
Great music, graphics, has the elements of River City Ransom that some may desire, and has some great goofy humor peppered throughout the game! I recommend!
Donkey Kong Country

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


Super Mario World

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball


Final Fight

Duck Hunt

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Super Mario Kart

Kirby's Adventure

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


Mega Man 3

Mega Man 4

Mega Man X


Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

Super Castlevania IV

Kung Fu

Super C

Killer Instinct

Donkey Kong 3


Contra Force

Frogger (1981)

Microsoft Solitaire