Jack Black (@jackblack)
Jack Black
Sean Speezy (@seanspeezy)
Sean Speezy Founding Member
Not acting my age since 1985
Jason Barber (@niner)
Jason Barber Founding Member
RandissBobandiss (@randiss)
RandissBobandiss Here since Season 0
Proud Canadian Gamer, moderator and content creator with The Dad Gaming! Father to a handsome little man !
trashdoc16 (@trashdoc16)
Just a trash gamer who occasionally does something.
Rachel Dickhaus (@dickhaus)
Rachel Dickhaus
Mom to an almost 16 year old son that can own me on every newer game there is but will school him every chance in anything retro. He's the Luigi to my Mario!
James Taylor (@james)
Husband, Father, Evangelical Cr3wstian
Phil Glassner (@then3rddad)
Phil Glassner Founding Member
Married, Father of 2. I make memes and weld for money. I play video games and cook for fun.
 Mamba (@blockmamba)
Love God. Love my family. Love games.
Josh Sneed (@joshsneed)
Seen on ComedyCentral & DrybarComedy Owner: CincyShirts, OldSchoolShirts, InTheClutchCom #GoReds #WhoDey
TheHarryEagle  (@theharryeagle)
TheHarryEagle Founding Member
Just a dude trying to make it in the world of streaming. Family Friendly Streamer. Just switched from FB Gaming to YouTube.
NannerB (@nanner)
Love God, Love Others. Dad of 3 beautiful kids with one on the way! Sports Gamer. SKOL! Rocky Top! Go Cubs Go!
The RND Gaming (@therusticnerddad)
The RND Gaming
The RND Gaming, aka The Rustic Nerd Dad! Geek/Gamer dad that enjoys almost all corners of gaming.
GeoDad (@geodad)
MudokonQueenTV (@mudokonqueen)
MudokonQueenTV Quest NPC
👩‍💻ft slave to corpo america -🎮pt gamer - 🖥️occasional streamer http://www.twitch.tv/mudokonqueen - 🎨editor of all things in ms paint - ✊she/her/hers
reigninpeace (@reigninpeace)