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The Last of Us
Among Us
Fun party game to play with friends. You can see how fast your "friends" will literally stab you in the back when you trust them.
Not so much fun to play with randoms on the internet but still fun.
Turbo Golf Racing
They had done a bunch of work on the backend and it is really good now!!
I am really enjoying this game!
There is still some minor bugs but at this point they are features.
South Park Snow Day!
I saw the bad reviews but since I had just beat the second game I still added it to my GameFly queue. I played about 3 hours in the game and when it crashed I just decided to uninstall and send it back.
The movement is awkward, the combat is janky and other are so many cut scenes I feel that there are more movies than there is gameplay.
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
I remembered these games are so much better than they were.
They did not stand up to my memories. In my opinion I wish that I had not played and remembered it differently
South Park: The Fractured but Whole
I have been replaying this game since it was on a great sale with the third coming out today.
I like it and the funny turn-based combat.
It is terribly offensive but that is the South Park we grew up with.

I remember last time I played a few years ago I got stuck on a part so I am curious if I will have the same issue this time.
World of Warcraft
This game is the definition of addiction. You will hear folks talk about the game and they will say they were addicted to it.
I played for several years and that is all that I would do from the time I got home from work until i went to bed daily.
That is why I rated it a 4 instead of 5 because you can lose hours, days, months or years to this game if you are not careful.
Sandbox game (ark/valheim) with pals (not Pokemon).
It is fun to build and catch new Pokemon, I mean pals. You can craft pokeballs, I mean pal balls, and assign them to your base to accomplish task. That is pretty cool but unfortunately kinda a one trick pony.
BioShock 2
Second best BioShock game.
Being able to play as a big daddy is a fun turn of events.
I found this game while at PAX West in Seattle. I was terrible at the game and it just never took off.
It seemed overly complicated.
Death Stranding
The game was fun at first but as the game progresses it just gets boring and the same thing over and over again
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
You would assume with me being a huge Star Wars fan I would like this but I just could not get into this game.
TimeSplitters 2
This game is probably not that great but it is to me since I have very fond memories playing while traveling for school.
This was my golden eye when I was a kid, we would setup 4 player tournaments and play all night long.
Mario Kart 8
What can I say! I love MarioKart and have since forever.
I still play because of this community even though I am terrible and everyone is sweaty! lol
Super Mario RPG (2023)
I am still playing this game but on a pause.
I was really enjoying it and playing along but then something happened. I am not sure if it was my ADHD hyperfixation wearing off or what but all of a sudden I have to go find these parts to gather to get an item or go create a song for the frogs that I just got overwhelmed and just have not turned it back on.
The Last of Us: Part II
This was a continuation to the first game and I think they are like different chapters of the same book.
Following the actions in the first game you see that all the actions have consequences. I felt that it was kinda forced in moments and I died a LOT.
Abby is a good character and you really can't say that she is the antagonist. It tells her side of the story and you really understand her reasoning that you cannot argue with.
The Last of Us
Brilliant!! I loved this game and you really get connected to the characters through the story.
Eliie goes from being this long escort mission to a companion to a friend/daughter. I feel that you learn to love the characters and get to know them.
The ending was something that I did not see coming but it made sense. I would have done the same thing.
Heavy Rain
Only 4 stars because I tried to go back and play it after having kids and it was very hard to get into with Jason getting hit by a car and the other, Aiden??, getting kidnapped it was hard.
But it was revolutionary with the quick time events and having to research. What was cool was that anything that you did not find was just evidence lost. Do you have enough info to go from by the end of the game?? We will see.
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
BRO, The way that Lego was able to portray complex scenes in the Star Wars world without saying a single word is absolute *chef's kiss* I wish they would go back to this in the newer games.
I would play for hours with my friends destroying everything for that last brick to 100% the levels.
This game was gifted to me randomly on steam from a guy that I had not spoken to in years. We grew up on the same street and out of the blue, no note or anything, he sent it to me on Steam.
It is a fantastic minimalistic game. It really proves that you do not need amazing graphics to tell a good story.
Days Gone
Great zombie game and I liked the main character but I just didn't like the chaos. There were swarms and swarms of the zombies that made it very chaotic.
I know that is kinda the point of the game but I am saying that I am not a fan.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
This is literally the only game that I own for the GameCube in my media room.
I loved playing this game back in the day even before I knew anything about Lord of the Rings.
Fable II
Chicken Chaser!
I enjoyed this game and the options to make decisions that will effect your physical look. Recently I picked it back up and tried to play and it just doesn't hold up. I wish that I had left the memory alone.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War
This game.
It lulls you into a sense that you know what you are doing in the first starter area then get killed over and over. The worse part is trying to take down a big enemy then another boss comes wandering through and you are all of a sudden fighting 2 or 3.
I also have a love/hate relationship with the mechanic that you can kill someone and they can just come back all scarred.
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
I really enjoyed this and the gameplay was fun. It was really cool to play as Bowser on some of the levels.
As far as a sports game goes it is meh, but a game to play with your friends it was a blast.
Especially when you turn on the big heads or play as Hilary Clinton
Pokémon Snap
I remember playing this game demo when going to Blockbuster!
I was never any good at it but I enjoyed pokemon!
Dead Island 2
I was hesitant because Dead Island 1 was not that great but I feel they learned from their mistakes and made this a masterpiece.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
4 instead of 5 stars because I lost my progress when getting a new switch and cannot bring myself to play again.
This is exactly what we wanted with updated graphics, new characters some old, and the ability to turn our brains off and farm wood to build a bench for the townsfolk.
Skull & Bones
Played the alpha and it was terrible
I played the beta and it was ok.

With Ubisoft+ you get extra cosmetics and you can redeem points for more cosmetics.

The PVP system is dumb right now because everyone is aggressive. After all, it is new. I am curious to see if it improves or worsens when everyone starts upgrading their boats.
I played the beta on steam and it randomly came out on Xbox.
It is a very fun, cartoony, extraction shooter with weapons and abilities.
The network is still very elementary and buggy.
When playing squads there is a 99.9% chance that a team is camping the vault and or the extraction point to kill you and steal your hard earned work.
Great multiplayer co-op game.
I just didnt like it. It is however a literal "sandbox" game since part of it takes place in a sandbox.
Battlefield 2042
I used to hate this game until a buddy of mine told me that you can play against east AI.
Now I like it. but the matches are SOOOOO LONG.
Stack the Cats
It is a cute, fun game that my daughter got me addicted to.
It stays installed on my phone because my daughter likes to try and beat me.
Mario Kart DS
10/5 stars!!
I have very fond memories of all of us sitting around in Iraq playing Mario Kart DS late at night getting pissed at each other.
I distinctly remember making someone so mad they bit their DS during a match!
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Double Dash was a much-needed stepping stone for the Mario Kart franchise.
It was not good but it paved the way for more multiplayer racing games. Having a buddy manning the gun while you focus on driving was a brilliant idea they must bring back.
It would make kart gangs a whole new contest!
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
It is what I wanting from a Star Wars game but it is so easy to get stuck on a map not knowing where to go because you don't see a tiny crack in the wall to squeeze through. so much time wasted not knowing how to get to where you need to go.
Gotham Knights
Really good "Batman" game. I think they did a great job with the stories and characters. They missed a few characters and tie-ins but the DCU is so large.
It just got repetitive and rinse and repeat towards the end. I still need to play with a friend for the multiplayer stuff.
Close to the Sun
Just started playing. So far it is a BioShock copy but with Nikolai Tesla as the figure head.
Such a low rating because a hour or so into the game no weapons, only communications over the radio and creepy shadows, and OMG why do you walk so slow??
I mean, who has not played this game at least once? We all used to play around with it not knowing what we were doing until all of a sudden we were decent at it.
The Lion King
Awesome game with songs from the movie, fun graphics.
1 star because it will make you want to throw your controller at the dang monkeys. Way too hard for a cute game adapted from a Disney movie.
Overwatch 2
So loved playing Overwatch early in the creation!
Overwatch 2 took everything that was good from Overwatch 1 and threw it out the window. I also believe that making it free to play gave the already toxic fandom a boost.
I find the game unplayable at this point because the players with minor exceptions.
Assassin's Creed Mirage
I played this game for a few days, putting in about 8-10 hours into the game before I realized that I didn't like the gameplay.
It seems they stripped away all the aspects of the game that I had enjoyed from Odyssey, Origins, and Valhalla. You can no longer pick up gear and weapons to upgrade your stats. You have to collect upgrade parts, and patterns to upgrade the weapons and gear you already have. Also, there is a NEED to stealth and it is nearly impossible to complete a mission if one person sees you. Not to mention the general public will rat you out if they see you do something.
One cool thing is that you can bribe folks, pickpocket, and even rip down the wanted posters if you need to lower your notoriety. From what I understand it is historically accurate to the architecture and back to the older Assassins Creed games but not my cup of tea.
Marvel Heroes
I loved this game! It sucks that I just got into the game shortly before the servers shut down.
I would love to have a remaster of this game. It was before it's time
Marvel Puzzle Quest
This is probably one of the longest-installed games on my phone. I have not played this game recently but jeez I probably have tons of hours in this game.
It is fun at first then turns to a grind.
The biggest obstacle is inventory space or unlocking spots for your favorite characters vs spots for strong characters. You will 100% draw a character that you just sold.
Disney Speedstorm
This is a 4.5 but I am rounding up.
There are so many great characters and they are adding more every season. The characters legit feel different instead of just copying and pasting. It does feel slower than Mario Kart but it is just as cut-throat.
I have been playing since the early release, yes I paid money for a free game, and it has been great seasons so far.
They completely revamped the upgrade system which was a pain point in the past.
New World
This is seriously one of the most under-rated MMOs recently.
When it was released it was plagued with long login queues but I found it fantastic to be able to own property, mine, and take over towns as factions.
Sweaty people tend to ruin the busier servers but I mind to myself and play my game.
This is one of the best games that I played on the ps2 besides KH. It was so very fun and playing as a dog/wolf/celestial sun god is so much fun with a pinch of frustration in boss fights.
The Cycle
This game is "Sunsetting" and I am sad about it.
This game is a space-themed Tarkov that is MUCH more forgiving. An actual story, missions and you can buy an sell.
This game will be missed. RIP Brother
The Quarry
This is like a choose your own ending book but both options are terrible. When given the option between two crappy choices you lose interest in the characters and story. Like watching a scary movie that the characters insist on splitting up and wandering in the scary woods.
This game was highly anticipated and I bought the special edition for my was hot garbage.
They spent the next few years patching it to be a pretty good game but it was nothing standing of what the game was at launch.
Deep Rock Galactic
This is a fantastic game if you have friends to play with. Especially if they know what they are doing lol. I had a friend get me into this and it was nice to play along and complete missions.
I then tried to play alone and it was not nearly as fun. When playing solo you have a robot that assists and you can upgrade his weapons and whatnot but it is not the same.
Find a friend and play the game; you will have a blast.
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum
I got this game from Gamefly and I am glad that I didn't pay money for it.
The graphics were not good, just looked like an indie game, the gameplay was buggy. There were several times that the level would glitch and I was not able to progress in the level. I had to die and respawn so it would progress.
Eventually, when the mission messed up and I was not able to proceed I just ejected the disc and mailed it back.
Risk of Rain 2
I bought this game because i am a fanbox of Gearbox but this game is awesome.
It is one of those games that is so simple to play but hard to master. You start playing and next thing you know it is 3 am and you have to be at work in a few hours.
The lore is deep and there is always more to discover. It was also the fist game that I bought my son when he started gaming on PC.
Shop Titans
This is a game that I installed on my phone years ago and has always been there. Many other applications come and go but Shop Titans is here.
Pokémon Unite
Good MOBA that lets you dip your toes in to the competitive side while enjoying playing as pokemon.
I played when it first came out but stopped when it got too pay to win. I think that has been resolved now.
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
This game is together but separate from the Borderlands series. Despite having some of the same characters in the beginning and ending cut scenes as well as providing commentary.
I believe that this was a decent attempt at converting a table-top/DnD type of FPS. One thing that Gearbox does well across all their games is that they are not afraid to make fun of themselves or pull in pop culture and puns.
Borderlands 3
I feel this game would have been much better if it did not have to live up to the cult classic of BL2.
They hype was HUGE for this game and it was "good" at best.
Mass Effect 2
Pretty mediocre now but back in it's prime it was really good.
This and Mass Effect 3 are it's peak.