isthatscoops (@isthatscoops)
Competitive Ultimate player, streamer, and student at Miami University
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout
Another game that's fun to waste a bit of time on! Games can get a little repetitive, but that's why I only play for a little at a time.
Amazing visuals, very fun gameplay loop, and just about everything else I could give this game credit for! Definitely need to go back and play it again sometime soon.
Some of the most satisfying movement and platforming I've experienced in a game, and the soundtrack goes along perfectly with it.
One of the easiest games to get friends onto and waste some time on - always a lot of fun! I've never been the best at shooters so it's really satisfying when I can get an elim on someone, although I've probably gotta thank SBMM for pairing me up with other people who're just as bad.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Definitely the game I've dumped the most time into, and I wouldn't do that if I didn't enjoy the game.