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I Am Bread puts the player in control of a slice of bread. The aim of each level is to turn the bread into toast. If the bread, before becoming toast, touches certain objects (e.g. the floor, water, or ants), it will get dirty and the "edibility" meter will go down. To control the bread the player must use the arrow keys or an analog stick. The levels are based on the seven days of the week. Several expansions have added various features, such as having players play as a baguette bent on destroying any fragile object in the room, a bagel that races around the room, and as a fragile cracker that seeks to find slices of cheese and have them stick to it while avoiding disintegration by repetitive impacts on surfaces. In addition, two other levels were added where the player plays either in zero gravity or as a "bread fighter" facing various fighters and ships made of bakery goods in a parody of Star Wars called Starch Wars. Another bonus level has a slice of bread seeking to find and complete an unfinished sandwich in the refrigerator inside a room with a slumbering Heavy set in Team Fortress 2.
Mild Fantasy Violence
This is a puzzle-adventure game in which players control a piece of bread trying to become toast. Players traverse various environments (e.g., kitchens, gardens, zero gravity) to find a heat source while keeping the bread edible and in tact. Large explosions can occasionally be triggered as players light heat sources (e.g., setting gasoline on fire at gas station). In one game mode (Starch Wars), players engage in space combat against bread-themed vehicles; combat is accompanied by laser fire and large explosions. The game also contains some thematic elements: notes of a man's mental deterioration; players scaring a driver, resulting in a serious car accident.

165d @joel Game added to Channel 3 library