Generate a Pokémon
"Ghost type Red Panda. I want it!"
Pick Your Favorite Original Pokémon
"Gengar. Love the ghostie boi."
Most Rated Game That You Haven't Played
"Didnt even know this was a thing tbh. Never heard of it and never played it."
Marvel Snap
What is the most recent game you finished?
"Finished the story yesterday. Really enjoyed it!"
Mortal Kombat 1
It's a no from me dawg.
"Cant really be bothered with most MOBAs and from the things ive seen the playerbase is pretty toxic."
League of Legends
Thank @joel
"Im new here but thanks!"
Do you adjust the video settings as soon as you start a new game?
"Yes! Gotta check the screen resolution, put it into borderless window, make sure everything is gravy before i start."
Night mode
Favorite NES Game
"Was a toss up between this and the original Legend of Zelda."
Super Mario Bros. 3
Bonus Quest: GIF
"1 hard G like Gift. The G stands for Graphics."
What is the best Free to Play game on the market?
"Pretty fun mmo for being free to play."
Lost Ark
Music choices
"It depends on the game and what im doing. If im in freeplay with Rocket League i'll throw on a movie on my second monitor. If im playing matches i'll put spotify on electro-pop or classic rock."
What popular game do you dislike?
"Just not my cup of tea. If you enjoy it, awesome! Not for me though."
Apex Legends
Does beating a game on "Easy" difficulty count as truly beating the game?
"Absolutely yes. Difficulty is just for the challenge. If you play on easy and beat it, you still experienced the game and the story!"
Night mode
Gaming Resolution
"3440 x 1440 :) The other resolution would be to keep trying to be the person that leaves others with a good experience of dealing with randoms online. Dont wanna be that guy that makes others not want to play."
Do you view Channel 3 in Light mode or Night Mode?
"Light mode is too bright and hurts my eyes. I keep it dark!"
Night mode
What game have you logged the most hours on?
"It says mobile but really its Black Desert Online. I think this takes the cake for the most hours on steam for me. Only reason being a lot of AFK horse training lol Took me a while to quit playing this but im glad im did. Horrible company and practices for running a game."
Black Desert Mobile
What is your favorite fighting game?
"Such good memories playing this. Its really a toss up though between this and Mortal Kombat 3"
Tekken 3
Favorite type of ball?
"Quick ball. Most of the time my team is over-leveled so these are very nice to have. Start an encounter and instantly throw one out. Very good chance of catching!"
What's the best sidequest in a game?
"I like the Hildebrand sidequest line. They are pretty fun little quests and great to watch too."
Final Fantasy XIV Online