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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Huge fan of video games and anime. I also love Star Wars and many other Sci-Fi things. TTRPGs are also on the list!
Cyberpunk 2077
Much better after the major fixes. Still lacking in a few departments but altogether a great story!
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Does this need explanation? If you think it does go play the game! This is one of the best RPGs of all time and hands down my favorite Star Wars game to date!
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Excellent game! The only reason it doesn't get 5 from me is because it lacks a reason to play it twice. Would've been nice to see a choice for going down the Dark Side. Not that I would have done it though lol.
Amazing game dark corners and a near perfect story!! Definitely in for a wild ride if you load this one up!
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Amazing storyline. This game is incredibly immersive, enough so to draw you in for hours doing stupid side quests. That's how it was for me at least. The entire world is captivating from the Magic, to the Monsters, to the Real World Issues people face in their everyday lives. 10/10 always recommend!